Monday, September 18th Schedule: Lab skills pre-test Objective: I can be assessed on my understanding of how to conduct labs. Homework: No homework Please have on desk: Agenda, pencil
Tuesday, September 19th Schedule: Geosphere Pre-Test Objective: I can be assessed on my prior knowledge of the geosphere Homework: No homework Please have on desk: ISN, agenda, pencil
Wednesday, September 20th Schedule: ISN 14, 15: Paper Talk Objective: I can diagram the way that connected parts make up a whole Homework: Complete ISN 14, 15 Read pages 6-14 Please have on desk: ISN, agenda, pencil
Paper Talk Label ISN 14 and 15 in your notebook “Paper Talk” Write the objective in the left margin of ISN 14. “I can diagram the way that connected parts make up a whole.” Complete your answer to the Pre-write.
Paper Talk SILENTLY at your table, look at a sheet of paper closely. Make a list of as many things that are in the paper that you can think of. With your table group, share what you listed and brainstorm more ideas. Add to your list.
Paper Talk CIRCLE with a color pen your best 5 items. DRAW a picture of those best 5 items.
Paper Talk CREATE a cluster diagram to show how all of the parts you brainstormed fit together to make the sheet of paper you examined. Post-write: Why is it important for scientists and students to look closely at things? (think about the objective and what you are doing at school)
Thursday, September 21st Schedule: ISN 16, 17: Earth’s Systems Objective: I can describe different parts of the Earth Homework Complete ISN 16, 17 Please have on desk: ISN, agenda, pencil
ISN 16 Title at top of page First line, write “The Earth System” Skip 4 lines and then make a 4 square that takes up the page. Place one of the following words, “Atmosphere”, “Hydrosphere”, “Biosphere”, and “Geosphere” in each square. Copy the notes in your own writing into the squares.
Section 1.1: The Earth System
The Earth System System: an organized group of parts that work together to form a whole. The Earth system has four major parts: Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Geosphere
The Earth System The atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere work together to form one large system called Earth. geosphere biosphere hydrosphere atmosphere
Atmosphere The mixture of gases and particles that surrounds and protects the surface of Earth. The mixture of gases: Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (21%) Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases (1%)
Hydrosphere Made up of all the water on Earth: Oceans, lakes, and glaciers Rivers, streams, and underground Water covers 75% of the Earth’s surface 3% is fresh water 70% in glaciers and polar ice
Biosphere All life on Earth: in the air on the land in the waters
Geosphere All the features on Earth’s surface: Continents Islands Sea floor Everything below the surface
The Earth's Geosphere crust: thin, rocky shell that includes continents and sea floor mantle: thick layer of hot rock outer core: molten metal, mostly iron inner core: solid metal, mostly iron
ISN 17 1st: Cut out and glue this sheet on ISN 17
ISN 17 2nd: Color the small pictures, cut them out, and glue them on the circle that corresponds (lithosphere = geosphere)
ISN 17 3rd: color this sheet, cut out along the dotted lines, place it over the top of the first two layers and tape the edge.
Friday, September 22nd Schedule: ISN 18, 19: Earth’s Systems interactions Objective: I can explain how different parts of Earth work together Homework ISN 18, 19 Please have on desk: ISN, agenda, pencil
5 minutes Find someone with a different Earth system card. Brainstorm how your two systems interact with each other. Write down your ideas.
5 minutes Find someone else with another different system card. Brainstorm how your two systems interact with each other. Write down your ideas.
5 minutes Find someone else with an Earth system card you haven’t seen yet. Brainstorm how your two systems interact with each other. Write down your ideas. Return to your seats.