Charity Art Exhibition APM Challenge ChARTism Charity Art Exhibition SOUTHAMPTON-ATICS Explain name of the event
Team members Go to the document in dropbox Sponsor APM Project Manager Dalia Bukhari Communications Manager Marija Sindjic Event Manager Qin Xia (Vincent) Finance and Logistics Manager Mengqi Du (Sarah) Promotional Manager Yan Pan (Lisa) Sponsor APM PPT模板 PPT素材 语文课件 数学课件 科学课件 物理课件 英语课件 美术课件 PPT论坛 PPT课件 PPT背景 PPT图表 试卷下载 教案下载 PPT下载 PPT教程: 资料下载 范文下载 地理课件 历史课件 化学课件 生物课件 Go to the document in dropbox
Project Background and Objectives Overview Project Scope 2 4 Risk Management Stakeholders 3 5 1 Milestones Project Background and Objectives
1 Project Background and Objectives
Project Background Fundraising art gallery. Collaboration with the University of Southampton’s Winchester School of Art. Collaboration with HIVE. Feel free to add more points but we thought the simpler the better. And of course, elaboration!!
Project Objectives To raise a minimum of £120 for HIVE Charity To attract at least 40 students to attend the exhibition. To have at least 5 representatives from different faculties of the University of Southampton present at the event. To have a minimum of 30 art pieces from the Winchester School of Art exposed at the exhibition. To deliver a good performance at the APM challenge.
2 Project Scope
Project Scope In Scope Out of Scope Participants from the Art School. Transportation. Promotional activities. Fundraising through sale of tickets. Proceeds go to the HIVE Charity. Out of Scope Sale of art pieces displayed at the exhibition. Reimbursement for the participants. External donations. Elaboration!! And more points for out of scope. Improvise!!
3 Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders Southampton-atics. Project Sponsor; APM. Project Mentor. HIVE Representatives. University of Southampton Winchester School of Art; exhibitors. University of Southampton faculty officials. Attendees. APM Wessex Branch. Check for more if available
4 Project Milestones
Key Milestones Form Team. Agree on a project. Present at the semi-finals. Obtain sponsor’s approval. Plan the project execution. Send first progress report. Send second progress report. Hold the charity event. Present the final presentation and submit the final report. Check for more if available
5 Project Risk Management
Risk Management Low number of exhibitors. Exhibitors and members withdrawal. No available venue. Budget not enough. Low number of attendees. Clash of dates with academic deadlines. Project not being approved. Lack of interest. Check for more if available
Any questions?