Construction/Renovation/Maintenance BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Lee Edminson Construction/Renovation/Maintenance November 6, 2013
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Area of Leak
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Room 106 American Leak Detection identified this area as the leak
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Cored drilled for camera access After reviewing the footage the decision was made to saw cut the slab Area of Leak
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Slab cut and removed to expose the pipe Damaged pipe removed /capped off Void under the slab was approximately 5’ x 6’ Area of Leak
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Water to building turned back on An additional leak was identified Moved the operation to “old” Home Ec Room Pipe cut at a “T” intersection / capped Leak stopped Leak #2 Leak #1
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Short term impact to students & faculty The water leak was fixed without having to install new domestic water lines Leak was at the end of a branch line that fed an outside hose bib NO restrooms, water fountains, kitchen or hot water heaters affected One classroom used after school has been moved. Mr. John Powell with PEC Structural Engineering came by BHS on Saturday to assist in inspecting foundations / walls No sign of structural failures were detected Recommended backfilling with dense grade and compacting Concrete poured to match existing thickness
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Before repairs Water usage: 52gpm occupied / 32gpm unoccupied 3,120 gph / 1920 gph 24,960 gallons typical school day 30,720 gallons unoccupied times After repairs Water usage: 22gpm occupied / 2gpm unoccupied 1320 gph / 120gph 10,560 gallons typical school day 1920 gallons unoccupied times SAVINGS
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak Potential for additional leaks is HIGH Fixing the leaks will add additional pressure to the domestic water lines All domestic water lines are under the slab Below grade lines supply domestic water to student restroom, staff restrooms, water heaters, drinking fountains, custodial closets & kitchen Alternative would be to re-pipe the school with new over-head domestic water lines Estimated cost; 1.2mil – 1.6mil
BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL Water Leak A special thank you to: Curtis Anderton HCS Lead Plumber Shane Graham American Leak Detection John Powell PEC Structural Engineers Billy Priest Director of Maintenance Ricky, Richard, Q, David, Ned, Cesar, Jack, Jeremy