Photosynthesis Don't forget photosynthesis song
Photosynthesis Song Questions What is needed for photosynthesis? What is made during photosynthesis? What substance in plant is needed for photosynthesis? Where does photosynthesis take place?
The student will: Learn what photosynthesis is and how it helps plants. Learn what a plant needs for photosynthesis. Learn what a plant produces from photosynthesis. Put simple english on the word photosynthesis. Do an experiment to show plants make starch from photosynthesis.
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What is photosynthesis? Plants make their own food. This process is called photosynthesis.
Where does photosynthesis occur? Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of a plant.
What is needed for photosynthesis to occur? Light is needed for photosynthesis to occur. The plant’s leaves use the light to make a sugar called glucose. Water Chlorophyll the green stuff in plants that captures the light Carbon dioxide gas
Why do plants need glucose? Glucose is the food for the plant. It gives the plant energy to grow.
How much glucose does a plant make? Plants make enough glucose to be used during the night and on cloudy days when they don’t get sunlight. The extra glucose is stored in the plant’s leaves and other parts as starch.
How does photosynthesis help us? What does it make/produce? During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced. We use this oxygen to breathe. Glucose is also made Excess glucose is stored as starch
A leaf which has been tested for starch A leaf which has been tested for starch. A has starch and B has no starch. A B
Tropisms You will learn: What a tropisms is. About photopism and an experiment to show it. About geotropism and experiment to demonstrate it.
Tropism A tropism is the growth response of a plant to a stimulus. We learn about phototropism and geotropism in this course.
Phototropism Phototropism is the growth response of a plant to light. Shoots grow towards the light. Roots grow away from the light.
Geotropism Geotropism is the growth response of a plant to gravity. Shoots grow away from the force of gravity. Roots grows towards the force of gravity.