Jessica Escobedo Gloria Miller Kamara Brown Sharie Carey A-D Tracy High School has four school counselors. Students are divided by the first letter of their last name. Jessica Escobedo Gloria Miller Kamara Brown Sharie Carey A-D E-J & AVID K-P Q-Z
Personal/Social Support Academic Support → Course Placement → Monitor Academic Progress Towards Graduation and College Readiness → Post High School Planning Personal/Social Support → Help Students get connected/find balance → Crisis management/community resources & referrals College/Career Planning → Post high school support/exploration → College application process
Class Visits Individual Meetings Parent Nights Workshops
Florence Smith School Psychologist(students w/IEP) Danielle Brightenstine Counseling Secretary Lisa McMahon School Registrar Maria Arce College and Career Readiness Center
30 credits 20 credits 30 credits 10 credits 20 credits 70 credits English 40 credits 30 credits 20 credits 30 credits 10 credits 20 credits 70 credits Social Science* Mathematics Science** Foreign Language/Fine Art Physical Education Electives * World History, US History, Economics & US Government ** Biology, Physical Science and one additional year of science
Student passed 1st semester with a D and earned 5 credits Student did not pass 2nd semester and earned 0 credits Student will need to retake the course to make up credits
*Classes taken to fulfill A-G requirements MUST be passed with grades of “C” or higher
Access Tracy High School’s approved a-g course approval list https://hs- or Tracy High School webpage
Parent Portal (Aeries account) Quarterly and Semester Report Cards ► End of Quarter 1 – October 13 ► End of Quarter 2/Semester 1 - December 15 ► End of Quarter 3 – March 9 ► End of Quarter 4/Semester 2 –May 25 Quarterly Progress Reports Teacher Contact Voluntary Weekly Progress Reports (Student initiated)
Tracy High Website
► Classes are harder ► There are firm deadlines! ► Your student might earn their first B, C or lower…… ► Sports are a huge time commitment ►Your student might not be entirely truthful with you ► Friends become even more important ► Students might want even more time on social media – and they will try to convince you it is all for a class ►Students might begin to experiment - - with many different things