Emerging Civilizations The Byzantine Empire Objective: Describe the rise and achievements of the Byzantine civilization.
Capital: Constantinople Greek and Christian state Byzantine Empire Capital: Constantinople Greek and Christian state Preserved Greco-Roman heritage
Invasions into the Roman Empire, A.D. 200 – 500
Justinian’s Reign, 527 – 565 Justinian restored much of former Roman Empire Justinian Code Codified Roman law The Body of Civil Law Hagia Sophia, “Holy Wisdom,” largest church in Byzantine Empire
Hagia Sophia
Byzantine Religion Emperor appointed patriarch (head of church) Cultural blend led to Eastern Orthodoxy Religious controversy over icons (religious images) Schism of 1054 Pope & patriarch excommunicated each other Final break between Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy
Decline & Fall Unending attacks by Turks & others Fell to Ottoman Turks in 1453
Comparing the Roman and Byzantine Empires Capital Language Religion Head of Church Law Roman Rome Latin Catholic Pope 12 Tables Byzantine Constantinople Greek Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Justinian Code