THE PACIFIC –EU MARINE PARTNERSHIP Programme A presentation to the 10th Heads of Fisheries meeting 16 March 2017
PEUMP Programme Overall Objective: to improve the economic, social and environmental benefits for 15 Pacific ACP states (PACPs) arising from stronger regional economic integration and the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. Project Purpose: to support improved management and development of fisheries for food security and economic growth, while addressing climate change resilience and conservation of marine biodiversity. 7 Result areas.
1. Scientific advice for management of the oceanic fishery Tuna biology; Ecosystem analysis (climate change impacts); Targetted small scale tagging; Bio-economic analysis; Analytical work on the purse-seine fishery and effort creep; Consultation with industry on bigeye bycatch.
2. Economic development of national tuna industries Investment facilitation; Development policy support; Support to domestic industry; Regional ‘competent authority’ support unit; Assistance to comply with the EU IUU regulation and any new market requirements. Links with area 1 of the Regional Indicative prog.
3. Coastal fisheries management Training in coastal resource assessment and survey methods; Socioeconomic studies on households and seafood consumption; Turning survey results into management advice and disseminating this; Wide roll-out of CEAFM; Materials and training for community support workers; Support for coastal fisheries legal reforms (national, sub-national) and MCS&E under different project.
4. Enhanced MCS to control IUU fishing Implementation of national plans of action for IUU fishing; Sustainable observer training mechanisms; Roll-out of electronic reporting and electronic monitoring; Analysis of reporting and observer data; Training of coastal MCS officers; Maritime boundary delimitation and negotiations.
5. Ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation 3 main work areas: Marine Spatial Planning; Integrated Ecosystem Management projects; Conservation of marine megafauna, especially by-catch mitigation.
6. Relevant tertiary training Development of accredited vocational courses at USP; Sustainable observer and MCS&E training; Young professional appointments/ secondments; Collaborative research projects (MSc, PhD); Strengthen distance learning activities.
7. Project management and communication EU project management and reporting requirements met overall; Communication of project findings and results for all components; Gender/human rights considered in all components Cross-sectoral liaison; Improved transparency in decision making; Visibility of EU assistance.
Implementing Partners All components have crosscutting elements and will involve collaboration of each implementing partner SPC – Lead agency for project management: Will implement Coastal Fisheries Component in partnership with LMMA (CFP) and Oceanic Fisheries Science (OFP) FFA – Leading on project formulation and will head the Tuna Development (with PITIA) & IUU (with WWF) components
Implementing Partners ctd. SPREP will lead on Ecosystem management and biodiversity component collaborating with IUCN for Marine Spatial Planning; USP heads the capacity building component – TVET, applied research, etc. PIFS will provide some support for communications and advocacy through the Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner and is also the Regional Authorising Officer.
Measuring Results - SMART Indicators Jobs exports CATCH VALUE
Result specific indicators Other indicators Market access Increased financial returns (measured by value of harvest) Status of tuna species against regionally-agreed reference points Area under locally implemented Marine Managed Areas (MMAs) Reduction in IUU in oceanic and coastal fishery operations Number of maritime boundary treaties signed Turtle populations assessed and impact of fisheries on them quantified and reduced Number of male and female students graduating from tertiary and technical/vocational courses Number and uptake of media releases casting the EU and project activities in a positive light.
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