Rhythm Practice Wendy Langen
What is the best description f the rhythm of the EKG pictured?
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Idioventricular or ventricular escape
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Junctional escape
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Atrial flutter
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
NSR with Sinus pause
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Sinus bradycardia
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
NSR with nonsustained VT AKA “run” of 5 VT
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Atrial flutter with slow VR
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
VT- Torsades de Pointes
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
NSR with 2 (ventricular) couplets
What is the best description f the rhythm pictured?
Sinus tachycardia (or atrial tachycardia) with a pause
What is the approximate rate of the strip pictured?
Enter Question Text 300 150 100 75 60 50
What is the approximate rate of the strip pictured?
Enter Question Text 300 150 100 75 60 50
Sinus dysrhythmia
What is the rate and rhythm of the strip pictured?
Normal sinus rhythm at ~75
What is the best description of the fourth complex in the strip?
What is the best description of the third complex in the strip?
NSR with triplet
V tach
NSR with 2 couplets
Torsades de Pointes A kind of polymorphic V tach
V fib
Torsades de Pointes
3 AVB With Ventricular escape
3 AVB This one is hard, you would need calipers
3 AVB with ventricular escape
3 AVB With ventricular escape
2 AVB Type 2 Mobitz
3rd degree AVB “Complete heart block” With junctional escape
3 AVB with Junctional escape
Wide QRSs
3 AVGB with ventricular escape The computer interpretation is wrong!
Atrial flutter With complete heart block and Junctional escape
AV pacing
V pacing
NSR with multifocal PVCs
2nd degree AV block type 1 Wenkebok The PR intervals increase, then there is a p wave without QRS