Traceability systems for sustainable trade in textile: what is it and what are its key elements? Frans van Diepen
3 aspects to prove the sustainability Transparancy Privacy Competion Sensitive data Open data / shared data Traceability Tracking boxes (transport , logistics) Recording events Retreving information Product and proces specifications / documentation Compliance Industry / retail demands Regulations Certification
Transparancy Traceability Compliance Certfication
Agri food Food safety Animal and plant health (sanitairy issues) Legal requirements Business requirements Private certification labels
Characteristics of agri food Complex supply chain Many small producers, traders and processors Bulk products. m:n relations between products and also between parties The suppliers are unknown for the processor or trader Most T&T are private implementations
Traceability information entities Identification Product Party Location Events What, when, why, where, who Registration Sharing data (ownership, access rights)
Business agreements and regulations General Food Law : Requirements: Each producer reports in 24 h about his supplier en buyer. Nothing about the how to report Business agreements are much more demanding then regulations.
Results in Each big retailer has his own solution for track and trace / product information / product quality No standard implementations No use of standards Poor interoperability Closed system no data sharing…
Regulation for food labeling (EU 1169) Online shops should provide all product information about ingredients. Enforced a big update of product identification and product information. From retailer > supplier > packer / processor
Framework for sustainable trade
Traceability chain Only a section of the supply chain Or covering the full supply chain What is the starting point and the end point?
Traceability models
Product segregation Bulk commodity Identity preservation Mixing of certified material From different producers Fresh fruits and vegetables (mixed salad) Identity preservation Segregation of certified and non certiefied product thoughout the supply chain Traceability from grower to retailer Fair trade bananas Bulk Commodity: Separates certified from non-certified materials but allows mixing of certified materials from different producers. All products must comply with the certification standards. This model has been used for organic produce where organic items from farms and producers are combined to achieve supply on larger scales. Identity Preservation: Requires segregation of the certified material from the noncertified materials throughout the supply chain to provide traceability from a specific plantation or primary processor to the final consumers. This model has been used, for example for Fairtrade bananas.
Mass balance Policy claim disassociated from physically traced assets Refers to accumulated assets Indivudual assets cannot be traced Aggregated quanty can have well-defined state Cotton sugar, cacoa, tea Mass Balance: Allows for Policy Claims to be disassociated from physically traced assets and rather refers to accumulated assets. In a mass balance system, for a single physical asset, a definite state with respect to a Policy Claim cannot be ascertained; an aggregated quantity of traceable assets (e.g. production during a specific time period) will, however, have a well-defined state with respect to a Policy Claim. This is a particularly useful model for traceable assets where segregation is difficult or nearly impossible to achieve e.g. for commodities such as cocoa, cotton, sugar and tea.
Book and claim Free flow of certified and non certified assets No segregation of assets Companies obtain certificates Green elctricity, carbon emmision, soy, palm oil Book and Claim: Allows for the free flow of certified and non-certified assets without the need for segregation. This process can be used to further the adoption of desirable policies and lay the foundation of future traceability work. Traceability is not followed at each step of the supply chain. Companies wishing to make sustainability claims can purchase certificates (even though their goods may not be certified) that support sustainable sourcing. This method has been applied to systems such as green electricity, carbon emissions, soy and palm oil.
Traceability models Advanced ICT Including all farmers and SME Used in high risk product And in delicate product, such as fresh food Less advanced ICT required Based on set of rules Audits of stakeholders required USAGE of the Sustainability map and network ?
UN/CEFACT standards for electronic information exchange Developed in close cooperation with other United Nations bodies, governments, business and non-governmental organizations. Use of these standards make systems and applications worldwide interoperable. Electronic information exchange using global standards is more reliable. Paperless trade will reduce the cost and time required for trade formalities. Global interest, interoperability of systems across borders, quality of information, efficiency ITC Sustainable network: farmers profile, market place, data analysis for policy makers
Results UN/CEFACT standardisation projects in agriculture A generic model, structure and data formats Definitions Implementation guidelines
The agriculture and food domain input output party The agriculture and food domain seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
e-Cert SPS certificate G2G (IPPC and OIE) input output party e-Cert SPS certificate G2G (IPPC and OIE) (other certificates G2G, B2B) seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
input output party e-LAB laboratory observation product information, specification, quality seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
Track and Trace life animals and fish input output party Track and Trace life animals and fish seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
Track and Trace animal products input output party Track and Trace animal products seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
Track and Trace plant and plant products input output party Track and Trace plant and plant products seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
E-Crop input output party collecting plant products plant products seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish
agriculture and textile input output party agriculture and textile seeds labour equipment installations buildings flowers nursery collecting plant products fruits cereals Vegetables, … plant products water farm plant production fibers oil timber land fresh certification Product information: identification specification location date time quality Food safety Sanitairy issues Sustainability Government soil processed froozen canned animal feed processing trade transport location, plot Consumer fertilizer animal products packed bulk Business: producer trader transporter retailer dairy farm animal production applicants plant protection, drug meat animal individual and batch leather , wool, industrial product fat, gelatine…, Services financial insurance production advice hunting fishing fish