« Do ICTs Matter to the Poor « Do ICTs Matter to the Poor? » How can we maximise the impact of ICT as tools to empower the poor and narrow economic and social divides? M. El Hadj Gley, CEO & Chairman of La Poste Tunisienne WSIS: 16-17-18 November 2005 (Tunis, Tunisia) Thank you Mr. Chairman. Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to participate to this important InfoDev forum dealing with “Do ICTs Matter to the Poor?” I would like to Mr Mostafa Terrab, the dynamic program manager for giving me this opportunity and let me switch to the french language and I invite the english speaking participants to get their headphones.
? I. Do ICTs Matter to the Poor? A puzzle of challenges Bridging the digital divide – Connecting the World Appr. 800 000 villages around the world without any kind of connection U.N. Goal : connecting communities worldwide by 2015 Digital Divide FROM : ICT penetration and Internet connectivity (fixed phone, mobile phone, Internet,…) TO : Access to advanced e-applications, e-Content Advanced applications in business process, Content management systems, online services, e-learning & training… e-Post : Postal Network & Services can be a Key Driver a worldwide network of 660 000 post offices e-post bridges the digital divide : - to bring the internet communication & ICTs services at the doorstep of people living even in remote and rural areas of countries - to business customers VSE (Very Small Enterprises) e-Post provides e-Government facilities
II. Using ICTs to improve services for all : the case of Tunisian Post 4 Key success factors 1. Computerization of the post offices network 7% of population (700 000 citizens) is received daily in the postal network 1000 post offices E-Counter : an electronic front-office with integrated computer applications Savings Bank accounts Money orders Bill payments Registered letters Stamps Secured electronic mail boxes Prepaid cards,… 150 000 Electronic operations per day 2. Electronic Finance, Electronic Payment … a convenient solution Abroad Domestic 3. Postal on-line services via Internet : www.poste.tn 4. Interactive Internet Terminal Services : e-mail, payment, printing, searching,… Electronic postal services Free and paying Internet services Electronic postal adresses
Electronic Money Transfer Platform III.Some Achievements, some examples 1. Postal Saving accounts Number of Postal Saving accounts Thanks to ICTs use in post offices Thousands An average of one saver per home An average of Funds deposit per account : 500$ 2. Electronic solution for money transfer from abroad IFS Eurogiro Western Union Swift 2004 results - operations : 513 000 - amount : 347 Millions $ 2005 results + 25% (average :450$ / transfer) 3. Domestic Electronic Money Transfer Platform Electronic Money Transfer Platform CNSS Network Network ONOU Post Office online payment 2005 result of 9 first months : Electronic money order : 1,2 million citizens (12% of population) have transferred electronically 193 million TND (average :120$ / transaction) e-Pension : 2,5 million retirement pensions were paid electronically for an amount of 418 million TND e-Student grant : 288 000 university scholarships (grants) have been paid electronically for an amount of 42 million TND
4. On-line postal products & services e-DINAR : prepayed electronic purse e-transactions - Multi-Use : Internet purchasing goods and services ATM money withdrawal Point Of Sale Electronical payment terminal Electronic Bill payment and presentment solution via Internet Using e-Dinar purse Potential Market Viewing and paying bills via Internet : telephone, water, electricity, ADSL... Start up : 2003 30% of invoices payed at the post offices Distance Registration @ universities without moving Using postal electronic purse e-Dinar Distance Services offered : (300 000 students) Distance registration, Transportation distance subscription, Booking in university cities 2005 : 30 000 registered students 2006 : all students Donations to National Solidarity Fund 26-26 : in Post Offices & via Internet e-Commerce facilities : 200 e-Merchants connected to the postal payment platform
Handicraft THANK YOU Mr. El Haj Gley dg@poste.tn www.e-fleurs.poste.tn www.souk-artisanes.poste.tn thank you for your attention THANK YOU Mr. El Haj Gley dg@poste.tn CEO & Chairman of la Poste Tunisienne