Living Things and Classification Six Kingdoms
that carries out all 6 characteristics of living things. What is an organism? An organism is a living thing that carries out all 6 characteristics of living things.
What is Life? There are SIX Characteristics of Living Things- 1. Cellular Organization- Cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms. ALL living things are made up of cells Unicellular –one cell Multicellular – many celled 2. Contain Similar Chemicals Water (approximately 70% of the cell) Carbohydrates- energy source Proteins- for growth and repair Lipids- are fats Nucleic Acids- DNA and RNA Lipids and Proteins are the building blocks of cells
Characteristics of Life (Continued) 3. Use Energy- For growth and repair For cellular processes (respiration, photosynthesis, reproduction) For digestion 4. Growth and Development- Growth- becoming larger Development- becoming more complex over an organisms life span
Characteristics of Life (Continued) 5. Response to Surroundings Plants grow (bend) toward the light Amoeba will move away from light and toward food Stimulus – something that causes a change in an organism’s environment Response- reaction or change in behavior by the organism
Characteristics of Life (Continued) 6. Reproduction An organism makes more of itself Asexual- 1 parent, offspring is identical to the parent (bacteria, skin cells) Sexual- 2 parents, offspring not identical to either parent (humans, dogs, plants)
Classification of Living Things (25 min)
Life Comes From Life A long time ago, people believed that living things could suddenly appear from non-living material Maggots on rotting meat Creature from the swamp This is the theory of Spontaneous Generation
Controlled Experiments- proved that Spontaneous Generation could not occur Francesco Redi- (mid-1600’s) Rotting meat in jars Disproved spontaneous generation Louis Pasteur- (mid- 1800’s) Broth in flasks Finally convinced people that spontaneous generation was wrong
Both Redi and Pasteur: Used a Controlled Experiment cloth An controlled experiment is when only one variable is changed. In Redi’s experiment the manipulated variable is the cloth In Pasteurs experiment the manipulated variable is With or without a neck on the flask
The Needs of Living Things Homeostasis Autotrophs- Energy maintain stable internal conditions Heterotrophs Autotrophs- make their own food (plants) Heterotrophs- can not make their own food (animals) Water Living Space is necessary for all cellular processes (digestion, reproduction, circulation) food, water, shelter
Unhealthy Environmental Factors Living organisms must be able to adapt to their environment and maintain homeostasis to make sure it can carry out all cellular processes. Healthy Diet Poor Diet Unhealthy Environmental Factors Stress Healthy Lifestyle Proper Rest
The Earth 3.6 Billion Years Ago Landscape was rugged with jagged, bare rocks….little soil Atmosphere consisted of nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia and methane. NO FREE OXYGEN Oceans were shallow and warm
Major Gases in Early and Today’s Atmosphere Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide Methane Hydrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Oxygen
Origin of Life Scientists tell us that the first life forms appeared on Earth 3.6 billion years ago. Facts we know about Early life forms 1.unicellular 2.lived in the oceans 3.did not need oxygen to live 4. they were heterotrophs that used chemicals for their energy source They resembled the Archaebacteria of today
How did these early life forms originate? Although Redi and Pasteur proved life could can not spontaneously arise on Today’s Earth, Two American scientists, Harold Urey and Stanly Miller hypothesized on the Ancient Earth the first cells probably did arise from non living materials.
Urey and Miller’s Experiment lightning
Urey and Miller (4 min)
The first cells were bacteria The first cells were bacteria. These pictures are of fossilized bacteria dated to be 3.4 - 3.5 billion years old These first cells were heterotrophs. Over time, these cells developed the ability to make their own food and began to excrete oxygen. This was the beginning of our atmosphere of today.
Hydrothermal Vents (6 min)
Classification * Grouping things based on their similarities Taxonomy- is the science of classification Aristotle was the first scientist to record a classification system for animals. It was based on whether animals could fly- swim- walk, crawl, or run
Carolus Linnaeus In the 1750’s, Linnaeus expanded the classification system He devised a two word naming system- Binomial Nomenclature Genus- first word Species- both words (second word gives a more specific characteristic)
Some Examples Felis concolor Felis pardalis Felis domesticus Felis- genus with sharp, retractable claws that hunt other animals concolor- means same color (puma) pardalis- means spotted like a panther (ocelot) domesticus- of the house (house cat)
Levels of Classification There are SEVEN levels of classification Kingdom (most broad) Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (most specific)
Six Kingdoms Linnaeus proposed the first kingdom structure (2 kingdoms- plants and animals) Today organisms are classified into SIX Kingdoms Archaebacteria - Fungi Eubacteria - Plants Protists - Animals
How Do We Place Organisms Into Kingdoms? Type of cells- - Prokaryote- no nucleus Pro – no – nucleus - Eukaryote- has a nucleus U – have – nucleus
Ability to make food Autotroph-make their own food Heterotroph-can not make own food
Number of cells Unicellular- Multicellular- More than one cell Single-celled Multicellular- More than one cell
Archaebacteria vs. Eubacteria Similarities Both are unicellular Both are prokaryotes Both can be autotrophs or heterotrophs Differences Archaebacteria are found in extreme, harsh environments Their chemical makeup is different from each other
Eubacteria can be helpful by: Making vitamins in our bodies Producing foods like sour dough bread, yogurt and sauerkraut Recycle chemicals such as nitrogen to the soil as a decomposer
Autotroph and Heterotroph
Charles Darwin Evolution and Classification In 1859 Darwin published a theory about how species can change over time Darwin collected much of his data in the Galapagos Islands aboard the HMS Beagle
Darwin’s Finches Warbler Finch Cactus Finch Insect eater Nectar eater Ground Finch Seed eater
Darwin’s Galapagos Islands (10 min)
Natural Selection Darwin explained his Theory of Evolution by using the idea of what he called Natural Selection – as an organism changes over time, if the changes help them to survive the changes will be passed on to their offspring
Darwin and Natural Selection (4min)
Classification Today In addition to the work of Darwin and others, today we also study fossils of organisms and we compare the early development of organisms to obtain information on similar evolutionary history.
Most Advanced Classification Method With the advancement of DNA research, taxonomists today primarily use chemical analysis of the cell to classify organisms. Family: Mustelidae New Family: Mephitidae “noxious gas”
Chemical Classification (4 min)
Autotroph and Heterotroph