Job Shadow Survival Guide
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Andrew Skidmore at Flory “ AG Engineering Examples: Tim Truax and Dennis Albiani Andrew Skidmore at Flory “ AG Engineering
Work Based Learning Why Participate: Upon receiving the Central Region grant, high schools agreed 10% of their enrolled students will be engaged in: Job Shadowing (one day in the life of a professional) Mentoring (SAE Advisor) Internships- Students and Teachers (SPIE)
What are the benefits of Job Shadowing? Learn about different Jobs: Usually, the biggest benefit of job shadowing is that it lets you directly observe different jobs so you can better understand what different careers entail. Shadowing a job can help you learn if it’s really something you would enjoy. For example, you may have always dreamed of being a journalist, but shadowing one may cause you to realize that you don’t enjoy the research and editing they have to do. On the other hand, you may find a different job much more interesting than you originally thought it would be.
SPIE Stanislaus Partners in Education Learn up-to-date job competencies and requirements from employers. Enhance your ability to relate the world of work to students. Self-assess technical skills in relation to current or future teaching assignments. Develop greater collaboration between educators and employers. Earn $750 stipend upon: a. Successful completion of your internship. b. Compliance with scheduled timeline. c. Successful completion of exit summary and review. Continuing Education Unit through CSU, Stanislaus.
Key Facts about Job Shadowing Job shadowing is a great way to observe specific jobs and help decide which careers you are most interested in. Job shadows are a great opportunity for high school students because they can help you plan your future and decide what to major in at college. During a job shadow, you will observe a typical workday at the company. Your school can help you set up a job shadow, or you can contact companies you’re interested in directly. Beforehand, research the company and career field you’ll be observing so you can ask relevant questions. During your job shadow, make the most of the experience by speaking to as many people and participating in as many activities as you can.
How to Get Started November Have students brain storm the career pathway Career Pathway Two jobs in your pathway selection Career Resources (see handout) Rotary High School Counselor CWA Places where you want to work Advisory Committee Community Boards Business Letter writing (please see grant website) Have students write a business letter to their top two choices
Business Letter Date Student address Business address 1st paragraph- introduce the student and their skills 2nd paragraph-job shadow details, date, time, include postcard size flyer 3rd paragraph- stress the need to have an answer by December 15 so students can have a solid spot before Christmas vacation. Sign **Print envelop on computer or make labels Include cell phone and email contacts Include flyer on job shadow
December Make an excel spreadsheet of where students are going List students with confirmed sites Beginning of December- Help students find alternate sites. Go to resource guide Distribute permission slips Work on day of skills for students (interview Packet) Dress code as per job details Transportation for student day of (provided by student)
January The more effort you put into your job shadow the more you will get out of it. Before Your Job Shadow: Do some research on the company- basic facts If you know the exact position research that job Be prepared to discuss yourself and your career goals- take a resume Prepare some questions you’d like to ask while shadowing. What are your likes and dislikes about this job, what skills will I need to be successful Make sure you know the time and location of the meeting spot
FEBRUARY 2, 2017 DAY Of: Arrive early Dress appropriately Bring a notepad (portfolio, resume, business card) Turn your phone off Have a positive Attitude Shake hands and introduce yourself Be respectful of others and their time **Give the employer the student evaluation (see hard copy)
February-Days after event #1 Write a thank you note- include personal statements about the day Teacher should be receiving student evaluations from employers. Students may need to do a follow up call Students will begin to create their (report, power point, portfolio, etc) Students will create a database with contacts from their day.
Extra Credit, 10 points Title Slide Student name Insert an electronic picture of yourself on location into the PPT presentation. Name the other people in the picture. Make sure that you ask permission to take the photo! Title Slide Student name Name and location of job shadow Date of job shadow Company logo - graphic
Expectations What did you expect before you went on the job shadow day?
Summarize Your Day: Transportation to location Arrival Introductions Tour Activities
Describe the person who acted as your primary host Describe the person who acted as your primary host. Choose one, if you had more than one. Name Job position Education Experience Length of time in that position Duties and responsibilities
What did you like the most about your workplace? Summarize the skills and talents of individuals at the job shadow location. What did you like the most about your workplace?
Looking Ahead - essay Describe your perfect day at work.
How do you perceive your student’s experience next year with job shadow day?
Are There Downsides to Job Shadowing? Students can feel discourage by a negative job shadow experience. Allowing a student to job shadow their desired occupation will give them an insight into the undesirable duties associated with it. This may seem negative, but the student now has a better idea of the industry. This is another reason why students will benefit from these job shadow opportunities!
What suggestions do you have to improve the job shadow experience?
Contact: Please don’t be afraid to call Lori Marchy Office: 209-575-6449 Cell: 209-678-1265 Email: