How Writers Work Unit 1 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop IMMERSION DAY 4: Writing as Inspiration – looking at theme/author’s message How Writers Work Unit 1 8th Grade ELA Writers Workshop
RATIONALE We can listen to inspirational stories in order to think about the authors’ messages/themes as well as draw evidence from the text to support our thoughts and ideas. We can reflect on our own values we think are important and explore how to relate those values to our writing.
What is “theme” and how do we identify that in literature?
Today’s Readings from Jackie’s Nine We’ll read “In the Shadow of your Wings.” As we read, be thinking… 1. What “big idea” or “value” is exemplified in this piece? 2. What do you believe is the theme? 3. What evidence can you provide from the story that demonstrates this theme? 4. What writing techniques do you notice that show how the author accomplished getting this message across? Next, we’ll read other selections from Jackie’s Nine individually. After reading, you will record your thoughts on the questions above, discuss with your team and report out your discussion to the class.
Reflecting on our own values and beliefs One of the ways authors come up with ideas for stories is by reflecting on their values and beliefs. An inspirational quote or the author’s theme in a book can spark something in a writer’s mind. For each of the nine values in Sharon’s book, we can find a quote that relates to the value. Look at the NINE values, choose one, and think about how it plays a role in your life. Think about an everyday experience where it would apply. Discuss with your shoulder partner.
Your assignment: Writing from Inspirational Quotes Choose TWO of the quotes from the list given out to you. Write them at the top of your writer’s notebook. For each quote: Describe what you feel the quote means. Write about whether you agree with the quote; and Write about a situation in YOUR LIFE that would relate to this quote