Developing Dynamic Web Pages Without Programming Research Project Led By: Professor David Wolber Chia-Han Liu Helen Kleytman Pooja Garg Yih-Tsung Chiang Yingfeng Su
Agenda Problems with Traditional Web Development Our solution: WebSheets WebSheets Demo System Internals XML Extension Conclusion
Problems of Traditional Web Development Presentation and logic are mixed together Artists/Designers can’t write code Artists/Designers must know SQL well to generate dynamic contents from database
Solution: Integrated Development Environment Macromedia DreamWeaver UltraDev4 IBM Websphere Studio ASPapp
Our Solution: WebSheets Programming by Demonstration Query by Example Spreadsheet Functions Designers J2EE WebSheets IDE JDBC Servlet XMLC
Key Terms and Concepts
What is an Application Server? Information Information Client Client Information Information SERVER Client Client
BEA Weblogic Server Side Services: HTTP Servlets - Composition of Dynamic Web Pages JDBC - Allows Java programs to access databases
HTTP Servlets HTTPResponse SERVLET HTTPRequest Client SERVER
JDBC Architecture Servlets JDBC Interface Driver (Oracle) Driver (ODBC) Driver (Sybase) Oracle DB MSAccess Sybase
HTTPServlet Designers and Programmers
Old Way vs. New Way
Templates: Separating the Tasks of Designers and Programmers HTML Template servlet code including DOM manipulation code and JDBC code XMLC Java DOM tree code HTML Output
JAVA DOM Manipulation Code Instance of XMLC Generated class XMLC provided Access functions
WebSheets Kills Programmers X Designers HTML Template servlet code including DOM manipulation code and JDBC code XMLC Java DOM tree code HTML Output
Demo Bookstore scenario A bookstore manager who knows little about programming wants to create a dynamic page for customers to search books by title
WYSIWYG Editor Format of the text Hyperlinks Images Static tables Dynamic tables Preview
Dynamic Components
Dynamic Components
Create Database from Scratch
Create Database from Scratch
Spreadsheet Formulas
Spreadsheet Formulas
Wizard Bar A context-sensitive guide Response every time an action is finished List several possible further steps
Wizard Bar
Centralized Configuration Administrator can set up the server addresses and database pool names Our system records these configuration User doesn’t need to know the detail of IP and pool Easy deployment
Centralized Configuration (Administrator)
Centralized Configuration (User Side)
Multiple Document Users can set up the relation between buttons and pages Destination page needs incoming information
Multiple Document
Multiple Document
Multiple Document
Multiple Document
WebSheets Code Generator servlet code including Code Generation WYSIWYG specs WebSheets Code Generator HTML Template servlet code including DOM manipulation code and JDBC code XMLC Java DOM tree code HTML Output
Code Generation Class GeneratedServlet extends HTTPServlet { // other methods public void act_delete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletRespons res) { // Access request parameters String minStock = req.getParameter(“MinStock”); // Access DOM tree created from HTML template BookListDOM doc = new BookListDOM(); Node tempRow = doc.getElementTempRow(); // Execute specified delete operations using JDBC // and SQL Delete statements stmt.execute("delete from BOOKS where INSTOCK<" + minStock); // Execute the specified Select statement to obtain // a resultset. rs =stmt.executeQuery("select * from BOOKS”);
Code Generation while( { // Use DOM manip. code to enter values in the // DOM tree. doc.setText_table1_col0(rs.getString(1)); doc.setText_table1_col1(rs.getString(2)); doc.setText_table1_col2(rs.getString(3)); // Evaluate the spreadsheet formulas doc.setText_table1_col3( String.valueOf(rs.getInt(2) * rs.getInt(3))); // Clone the sample row tempRow.getParentNode().insertBefore( tempRow.cloneNode(true), tempRow); } // Remove the sample row tempRow.getParentNode().removeChild(tempRow); // Write the updated DOM tree to the browser out.println(doc.toDocument());
Code Generation The service() method uses Java Reflection to dispatch the request to the corresponding handler public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { String action = req.getParameter("act"); String mtdname = "act_" + action; Class[] paratypes = new Class[] { Class.forName("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest”), Class.forName("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse") }; Method mtd = this.getClass().getMethod(mtdname, paratypes); mtd.invoke(this, new Object[]{req, resp}); } // public void act_add(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { … } // public void act_delete(HttpServletRequest req,
Objective WebSheets Store & Retrieve Data Store & Retrieve Data Databases XML Files
XML Extension. Why? Pros Cons search engine data transfer hierarchical triggers security queries across multiple tables
Code Generation Model abstract class StorageProxy class JDBC_Storage abstract void genAdd(); abstract void genDelete(); abstract void genSelect(); class JDBC_Storage void genAdd(); void genDelete(); void genSelect(); class XML_Storage void genAdd(); void genDelete(); void genSelect();
Reusability abstract class StorageProxy class Other_Storage class abstract void genAdd(); abstract void genDelete(); abstract void genSelect(); class Other_Storage class Other_Storage class JDBC_Storage void genAdd(); void genDelete(); void genSelect(); class XML_Storage void genAdd(); void genDelete(); void genSelect();
*.DTD and *.XML Files
DOM ARCHITECTURE Java Tree XML Document XML Parser Object Object
Manipulation of the DOM tree Java Tree Object Servlet Hot Spots Object Object Object Object Object Object
Servlet : Get Parameters
Servlet : DOM Parser
Servlet : Perform action
act_add(String value) Step1 ROOT Object Object child child child child Object child child child child child child child child Object Object child child child child child child child child
act_add(String value) Step2 ROOT Object Object child child child child Object child child child child child child child child Object Object child child child child child child child child
Servlet : Serialization
Creation of XML file Object Object Object Object Object Object Object DOM Serialization Object Object Object Object
Servlet: Display on the Browser
Resulting HTML Page
Conclusion Artists/designers generate database table management servlets by “teaching” our system without writing any code. WebSheets allows database operations and computations to be specified visually
Conclusion (cont.) WebSheets uses Programming By Demonstration (PBD), Query By Example (QBE), and spreadsheet functions to build dynamic web pages 2 papers based on WebSheets are accepted by IUI2002 and VDB6 conferences
Future Work To support dynamic contents other than table mapping, i.e., parameter mapping on any part of the page, and HttpSession How to visually represent complicated table relationship, such as One-To-Many, Many-To-Many To support button-to-page dataflow Automatically register Servlets in WebLogic configuration file
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