project on behalf of the WEEE Forum ‚WF-RepTool‘ structure and database application to monitor WEEE treatment results project on behalf of the WEEE Forum provided: June 2014
Overview The WF-RepTool background - history - target structure & way of data input news - for implementation of WEEE Dir. 2012 known simplifications / delimitations software tool – ‘WF-RepTool’, use at different levels advantages news – option to purchase WF-RepTool some screen shots Contact information
WF-RepTool - background treatment results 2002 (det. in 2003) not comparable! de-pollution results influenced by e.g. different obligations (by national laws) different ways of determination of data different names for waste fractions recycling & recovery results influenced by e.g. the level of determination of results the classification of technologies chosen “rates of recycling” calculated LHHA recycling rate 70 % 90 %
WF-RepTool - history working group of technical experts of ‘operative’ WEEE systems development data structure: spring – autumn 2004 test with Excel-sheet: spring – summer 2005, e.g. Recupel data development software tool: autumn 2005 installation software tool: Jan. 2006, Recupel ‘real data’ further development & information in 2006 further WEEE systems ‘use’ WF-RepTool since Jan. 2007: ‘routine’ starts ‘first’ starters use ‘advantages’ (e.g. aggregated data, report to authorities) further development on base of wishes & needs further internal & external information about WF-RepTool
WF-RepTool - target … to achieve comparable results - comparable between … > treatment partners > WEEE systems > countries … for reporting to EU-commission … to determine results of the whole treatment chain … for those systems who need it … also applicable for documentation of each treatment step / partner (e.g. mass balances,…)
WF-RepTool – structure we need a ‘common language’ on names for fractions, technologies,… !!! ‘WF-RepLists’ = ‘background data’ built up, will be adapted continuously on base of needs clear calculation for recycling & recovery quotas INPUT fractions - clear names - not EWC - daily routine OUTPUT fractions clear names EWC+WEEE Dir. all steps list of choices technologies used clear names interim <> final headlines WF_ classification average of interpretations option for national classification chart
WF-RepTool – INPUT-Fractions ‘mix’ of kinds of appliances with different EWC codes EWC codes NOT applicable!!! ‘collection codes’ collection in daily practice – based on treatment requirements cooling appliances specific treatment large appliances coarse shredders screens and monitors specific treatment small/medium appliances dismantling / shredding lamps – specific treatment sampling results of ‘mixed’ INPUT fractions (diff. WEEE categories) calculation of ‘target’ recycling & recovery quotas (abandoned)
EWC codes for INPUT of WEEE not applicable!!!
Calculated ‘target quotas’ (WEEE Dir. 2002)
WF-RepTool OUTPUT-Fractions … built up on: the existing ‘European Waste Catalogue’ – EWC requirements out of the WEEE - Directive (Annex II) ‘knowledge’ regarding possible fractions which might be delivered to final processes additional: ‘interim fractions’ for members who have to report/control each treatment step/partner OUTPUT about 400 ‘fractions’ = list of choices may be adapted on base of ‘needs’
WF-RepTool - Technologies … built up on: existing ‘knowledge’ about technologies used for WEEE and WEEE fractions (in WEEE Forum member systems/countries) ‘headlines’ for technologies (e.g. ‘separation’ – different technologies) structured to ‘interim technologies’ (shredding, separation, conditioning) and ‘final technologies (e.g. steel mill, copper smelter, glass smelter etc.) about 70 ‘headlines’ for technologies may be adapted on base of ‘needs’ Mayer Parry
WF-RepTool - classification … based on: ‘judgements’ of the European court, otherwise ‘majority’ 11 ‘main groups’ of components = composition = ‘shares’ target of use of ‘final fractions’ / ‘shares’ in ‘final processes’ pre-selection of possible ‘uses’ (may be adapted on base of ‘news’) examples for final processes (you may never give !all! processes) ‘WEEE Forum = model classification’ to WEEE Dir. 2002 WEEE Dir. 2012 / WFD 2008 RU - reuse of components * RU - preparing for re-use (appl. & comp.) MR - material recycling * R – recycling * OMR – other material recovery ER - energy recovery * same (TD or LD) D – thermal or landfill (=other) disposal option for a ‘national classification’ ( reports to authorities)
Way of data input describe/choose data source – treatment partner, INPUT material +/- any remarks, INPUT amount,… 6 steps … internal yield - OUTPUT fractions acceptors / technologies used data on yield / composition of fractions select ‘use’ in final process classification calculation 1 2 3 4 5 6
step 1 – internal yield OUTPUT fractions names and amounts [kg] annual data period data data from batches option for ‘internal names’ (e.g. used by company) option for ‘internal codes’ (e.g. used by company) option: to link data source with national waste numbers and waste ‘names’ national reporting, list of waste to be individually prepared per country
step 2 – acceptors / technologies ‘acceptors’ for fractions ‘names’ (strictly confidential between system <> treatment partner) but necessary for control and interpretation technologies used – essential for classification if several acceptors ‘shares’ in daily practice option for ‘trading steps’ (but we need physical treatment partners!) option to register/list acceptors (e.g. avoid different writing > double) by WEEE system – provide to all treatment partners by treatment partner – only visible to him and WEEE system
step 3 – external yield composition chart yield of fractions from following treatment step(s) up to composition of fractions forwarded to ‘final processes’ composition data NOT necessary IF next=final process to be classified as ‘disposal’ (100 % disposal) composition 100 % IF pure fractions (< 2 % ‘impurities) option: to hand over ‘tasks’ option: provide data by ‘packages’ (e.g. gas discharge lamps, batteries,… - determined by the WEEE system, provided to several ‘dismantlers’)
step 4 – ‘use’ in final process select the (target of) ‘use’ in ‘final process’ e.g. Fe > Fe-recovery (steel mill) / Cu > Cu-recovery (Cu smelter) metals > metal recovery or slag production (e.g. Cu-smelter) plastics > definitely used for fuel substitution (e.g. cement kiln) organic residues > no definite use in smelter (e.g. Cu smelter 'traditional‘) CRT glass > CRT glass production (CRT-glass production) CRT glass > slag building detergent (e.g. Cu smelter) mineral 'pieces' > used for concrete production (concrete production) no use - 'hot technologies‘ or no use - 'cold technologies' if ‘other use’ in ‘final process’ information on process/technology and ‘use’ in ‘final technology’ necessary base for classification 5
step 5 - classification ‘WF_classification’ – automatically based on the chosen (target of) ‘use’ of (shares of) ‘final fractions’ in ‘final technologies’ see ‘Model-’ = WF_classification option for ‘national classification’ based on national interpretation remark necessary base for calculation 6
step 6 – calculation (1) automatically internal calculation ‘per report’ adding ‘shares’ [%] of fractions classified as (// from WEEE Dir. 2012) RU (reuse of components) // preparing for re-use MR (material recycling) // R (recycling) ER (energy recovery) // and OMR (other material recovery) D (disposal) [split to TD and LD – requested by systems] calculation of ‘amounts’ [kg] per fraction calculation of ‘total amounts’ [kg] (of RU, MR//R, ...) per report calculation of recycling & recovery rates per report
… reports based on all database contents step 6 – calculation (2) option to calculate annual amounts [kg] based on ‘batches’ or ‘period data’ (copy/paste e.g. batch report > paste with total input) option for ‚summary reports‘ (e.g. several batches, periods) (‘Pro’ only) option for ‚Summaries‘ as a base for annual amounts option for ‚Summaries‘ per ‚collection and treatment category‘ for WEEE system … reports based on all database contents
News for WEEE Dir. 2012*) (1) Stepwise increase of recycling & recovery targets, ‘preparing for re-use’ definitely included in recovery operations add to ‘recovery rate’ from Aug. 2015: target prepared for re-use and recycled separate total ‘Preparing for reuse and recycling rate’ ‘preparing for re-use’ whole appliances included *) see / Information / Documents / 'What's new with model 2‘
News for WEEE Dir. 2012*) (2) Apply definitions for ‘recovery’, ‘recycling’ etc. from to the Waste Framework Directive 2008 (short as WFD 2008). More stricter definition of ‘recycling’! – applicable e.g. for 'recycling' means any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances ... plastics, metals used as reducing agent – not R anymore! (<> OMR, ER?) glass or other materials as slag forming component but no definite products – not R anymore! (<> OMR?) Uses of waste materials which do not meet recycling definition but the ‘recovery’ definition (useful purpose, replacing other material, particular function) may be classified as OMR other material recovery or ER for energy recovery like before. *) see / Information / Documents / 'What's new with model 2‘ and 'WF- classification 2013-final - model 1&2.xls'
News for WEEE Dir. 2012 (3) New ‘model 2’ for calculation provided, incl. new WF-model classification WF-RepTool administrator may choose default model to be used (may also fix model to be used) Option to choose calculation model for each report
Simplifications / delimitations (1) 2 % limit‘ for ‚pure‘ fractions (1 % in discussion) higher quality criteria in practise! e.g. iron - ‚no visible plastics‘, very low 0,xx % Cu content aluminium fractions – high quality criteria other metals, plastics quality criteria on purity of CRT glass, plastics conditioned,… target of use of input (of ‘shares’) to ‘final processes’ – not yield of processes e.g. copper content copper yield, copper in slag or filter material,…) to much influenced by individual technology and following use of fractions etc. option to provide data with different target uses (e.g. share as metal, share to slag,...)
Simplifications / delimitations (2) no ‘environmental’ or ‘eco-efficiency’ classification of technologies possible as ‘next steps‘ in the future … (ongoing research studies)
Software tool - ‘WF-RepTool’ database program designed as web based application WEEE Forum server for ‘background data’ servers at WEEE systems – option for ‘sectors’ at shared WEEE Forum server (all other options for shared servers) treatment partners report to WEEE systems ‘task’ feature for next step treatment results ‘black box’ feature: ‘delivering’ treatment partner will only get information on total amounts quoted as RU, MR/R, ... ‘open task’ feature: all data shown to ‘delivering’ treatment partner (decision by treatment partner fulfilling the task) data structure server structure server option
WF-RepTool - data structure
WF-RepTool - server structure
WF-RepTool - server option
WF-RepTool – overviews & options (1) ‘report-level’ – overviews for each ‘report’ ‘First fractions’ – first step yield data (kg, %, option to deduct) ‘Overview’ = ‘treatment tree’ – fractions, acceptors, technologies, composition data ‘Final’ - final fractions achieved (incl. acceptors, technologies, kg and % of total input), sort-option, jump-option ‘Calculation’ - final fractions incl. classification of use (per fraction/share – kg), totals, recycling & recovery rate achieved ‘Analyze’ – choice of main database contents, option to generate overviews on components, incl. % option for reports ‘Inspect’ – overview on missing information, jump-option
WF-RepTool – overviews & options (2) ‘report-level’ – option with several ‘report’ ‘Summaries’ – option to choose reports (e.g. to sum up), choose on base of database entries, choose data to be shown, no new report ( summaries report), data for Excel export ‘report-level’ – other options ‘De-pollution results’ = short treatment reports, first fractions ‘Packages’ – datasets you may use in your reports – identification: WF-RepTool code (exactly) ‘Tasks’ – jobs you have got to do from others
WF-RepTool – overviews & options (3) ‘system-level’ – overviews see all options like for reporter level + choice of treatment partners data of all treatment partners for ‘Summaries’ e.g. total results per treatment category (e.g. several treatment partners) - e.g. R&R quotas achieved total results of WEEE system - e.g. total amounts of output fractions additional ‘Compare’ - option to set reports side-by-side e.g. compare results of treatment partners – free choice of data to be compared e.g. output fractions, components
WF-RepTool - advantages data input by treatment partners (<> studies) data collection for following treatment steps ‘once’ only to be adapted if changes in acceptors / technologies option for use for several WEEE systems confidentiality of data by ‘black box’ of WEEE system option to build up transparent data easier to be checked by auditors ‘level the playing field’ comparable data for … treatment partners WEEE systems clear data base to report to national authority >> EU Comm.
News - option to purchase 'third-party-users' (not being WEEE Forum members) may purchase the WF-RepTool – e.g. treatment operators more detailed at the WF-RepTool website ( - product / license options option for trial version Own administration of WF-RepTool Option to use for several plants, own results for other clients, no insight by WEEE system Upload/Download features for reports to WEEE systems
Screen shots - Find / filter reports New search by ID of report
1st step fractions
Finding fractions
Help – checking total
Help - finding technologies
2nd step fractions
3rd step fractions
Final fraction ‘pure’
Final fraction ‘mix’
Overview = ‘treatment tree’
Help - finding missing information
Help - finding mistakes weight
Calculation - results Now we know where data are coming from !!! – see LHHA 70 <> 90 % recycling rate at beginning of presentation
Thank you for your attention! questions on providing the WF-RepTool: see website > e.g. ‘Purchase’ WEEE Forum ‘project father’ - Jan Vlak, WEEE Forum - Pascal Leroy, contact to WF-RepTool expert group: via website > ‘Contact us’ questions on WF-RepTool data content / development: Renate Gabriel, questions on WF-RepTool installation / IT development: Willi Haghofer,