Smoke Free Project Design by an S3 Graphics Student
Currie community high school is a smoke free zone: Summary: We believe that everyone has the right to breathe clean air This means the use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes & vapourisers, are not permitted in or around school grounds We are working together with ASH Scotland and NHS Lothian to reduce the number of students and staff who smoke.
Communicating the Policy The story so far… Reviewing the Policy Collegiate work with school link officer, NHS and ASH Student survey in PSE Parental survey (via twitter & parents night) Staff (including community and contracted staff) survey and updates shared via email Audit of tobacco education across the curriculum Communicating the Policy Smoke free project progress shared via school newsletter Policy information and support on the school website S3 Graphics class designed new signs for school grounds Tobacco free school information displayed at main entrance Policy launch at house assemblies during no smoking week
Policy implementation The story so far… Policy implementation Revised sanctions and supports agreed with Senior Leadership Team Increased supervision around the school and in the local community Education & Support 28 students trained as ASSIST no smoking peer supporters. Review of lessons in PSE and across the curriculum Series of events around No Smoking Day S2 Teenage Cancer Trust talk Poster displays in PSE classroom & foyer NHS stop smoking support in school (1-1 sessions for pupils)
Impact…. Staff and students have a fuller understanding of the Smoke free policy and the health promoting motivation behind it Increased referrals from staff (and senior students) to stop smoking support Staff now feel more confidence in approaching students who are smoking in or around school grounds Students are aware of the support available from NHS Lothian, with and increased number engaging in regular sessions.
Next steps… Work with Woodlands School to create a joint campus policy Increase opportunities to work with community staff and facility users e.g. smoke free events Development work required to update lessons and resources in PSE Assist peer mentors to lead lessons to S1-2 PSE classes Assist students to work with local community to promote our Smoke free policy and target underage sales. Investigate opportunities to work with cluster primary schools Revisit staff, student and parental survey in March 2018 to analyse impact.