12 Principles Principle 4 Design Safer Chemicals Principle 5 Avoid Use of Auxiliaries Principle 6 Minimize Energy Needs
Principle 4
Principle 5 Use Safer Auxiliaries - Solvents Solvent uses – many not all “bad” Dissolution of reactions, reagent, catalysts; Extraction; Washing; Separation of mixtures; Cleaning apparati; Dispersing products; Controlling reaction rate and equilibria; Maintaining temperature; Effecting selectivity of chemical processes Solvent types – large choice Organic; VOC (volatile organic compound); Inorganic- water; Ionic liquids salts with low mp) super critical-CO2 ; Fluorous phase; Exotics; None !
Principle 5 – Use Safer Solvents 85 % of the total mass of chemicals involved in pharmaceutical manufacture comprises solvents – the stuff we do reactions in !
Greening Viagra
Greening Viagra
12 Principles Principle 6 Use Less Energy
Reactions Require or Produce Energy
Energy Where it comes from Where it goes http://www.eia.gov/
Energy Production vs. Consumption
Oil - Who uses it & Where U.S. Petroleum Consumption 19,498,000 barrels/day Total World Petroleum Consumption 85,534,000 barrels/day
What Is Oil Used For ? Only about FIVE percent (!) of the oil and gas consumed each year is needed to make all the petrochemical products.
What is In Oil ? Composition by weight Hydrocarbons Average Range Paraffins 30% 15 to 60% Naphthenes 49% 30 to 60% Aromatics 15% 3 to 30% Asphaltics 6% remainder
How Much Do We Have ? U.S. Proved Reserves of Crude Oil as of December 31, 2007 21,317 million barrels (ca. 3 years worth) U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (2008) 702 million barrels (ca. one months worth)
Options ?
The Methanol Alternative Robert Zubrin The New Atlantis 85-88 (2006) Any serious energy policy must deal with three critical issues. First, economic: The policy must provide an energy resource base sufficient to allow for continued worldwide economic growth for the foreseeable future. Second, environmental: The policy must be compatible with the long term flourishing of life on Earth, including human life and civilization. Third, strategic: The policy must ensure that control of the Earth’s energy resources, and thus its future, lies in the hands of free societies committed to human progress, and taken away from tyrannical and terrorism-promoting states.
The Methanol Economy Five Clever Greener Ideas Production New ways to produce methanol CH4 => CH3OH via syn gas (CO & H2) or direct 2) (from atm @ 350 ppm ?) CO2 reduction => CH3OH Use 3) Methanol as transportation fuel & energy store 4) Methanol fuel cell CH3OH => e- for electricity 5) Methanol as petrochemical raw material CH3OH => C2H4 => synthetics (MeOH to Gasoline)