Welcome to Meet the Teacher 2017-2018 Mrs. Brown & Ms. Hairgrove
Conference Time Our conference time is from 1:30pm-2:20pm
Morning Procedures Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:15am. PLEASE do not drop off students in the bus circle or the faculty parking lot. Parents who come into the building throughout the day must sign in at the office.
Late Arrivals/Absences The tardy bell rings at 8:00AM. If your child is absent, send a note on the day he/she returns.
Going Home If your child will be going home a different way, please send a note or call the office before 2:00.
Snacks and Parties There are three class parties per year: Winter Holidays, Valentine’s Day & End of School, as well as Right Choice Celebrations! You can drop off or send cookies or cupcakes to school for your child’s birthday. We will serve the treat after lunch.
Daily Folder/Friday Folder Daily Folder will go home each day and come back to school each day. Check it for notes and assignments. A reading log, math/science homework, daily conduct report, and a list of spelling activities should be in the daily folder at all times. Planners will go home each day and will consist of the TEKS, assignments, and notes/conduct report. Please sign! Friday folder goes home every Friday. Graded papers for the week are in the folder, along with a weekly conduct and work habit grade. Please return the Friday folder back on the following Monday. The Peek of the Week will be posted on Bloomz, and posted on the teacher’s website every Friday for the following week. (Please request for paper copy.)
Teacher Webpage Our teacher websites includes information over the current nine weeks, the grading scale, homework information, Peek of the Week, class schedule, contact information, ticket prize list, class wish list, and important dates.
Conduct Goals I will treat everyone with kindness. I will use appropriate behavior in all areas of the building. I will talk at appropriate times. I will follow directions at all times.
Work Habit Goals I will be prepared for class. I will use my time wisely. I will complete assignments and turn them in on time. I will always do my best.
Discipline Refer to discipline contract Please sign and turn into your homeroom teacher
Grades Available on Skyward Daily Work-80%, Test-15%, Homework 5% Grading Scale A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 75 – 79 D = 70 - 74 Redo work- If a child receives a failing grade on a daily assignment that is below 70, they will get the chance to redo the assignment in class after a re-teach for up to a 70. Test/Quiz - If a child receives a failing grade on a test or quiz, they will get a chance to retake the test or quiz, after a re-teach for up to a 70.
Content Areas Ms. Hairgrove teaches Math, Science, & Social Studies Ms. Brown teaches Reading, Language, Spelling and Handwriting
Math Input / Output Decimal Place Value Lines, Angles, and 2-D Shapes Angles on a Protractor Area and Perimeter Data Analysis Measurement Financial Literacy Place Value Math Vocabulary Problem solving Add/ Subtract Whole Numbers Multiplication/ Division Whole Numbers Fractions
Science Matter Forms of Energy Science Process Skills Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Investigating Forces Plants & Animals Patterns of Change Weather Water Cycle Change’s to Earth Surface Earth’s Resources Soil Ecosystems
Social Studies Regions of Texas/Geography Skills Celebrate Freedom Week American Indians of Texas Explorers and Early Colonization Texas Revolution The Republic of Texas Civics and Citizenship in Texas Annexation of Texas Civil War/Reconstruction/The Indian Wars Texas Growth and Development Texas in the 20th Century The Future of Texas Texas Government
Reading Guided Reading (Small group) Independent Reading Shared Reading (Whole group instruction) Read Aloud Literacy Work Stations Strategies include schema, visualizing, asking questions, making predictions, inferring, determining importance and synthesizing. Reading skills include genre, cause and effect, main idea and details, text evidence, plot structure, text structure, summary of fiction and informational text, sequencing, context clues, author’s purpose, predicting, and analyzing characters.
Language 6 +1 Traits of Writing The Writing Process Journaling Ideas Organization Word Choice Voice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation The Writing Process Journaling Preparation for 4th Grade Writing STAAR Grammar Penmanship
Spelling A list of spelling words is sent home on the Peek of the Week each Friday. A list of spelling activities is located in the daily folder. Students should complete at least 2 activities each week in the daily folder. Spelling homework will be turned in and checked each Friday.
STAAR Testing Dates The Math and Reading STAAR test will be the week of May 14. We will discuss STAAR with you during the spring semester.