Classical Conditioning Jeopardy Sensation/ Perception Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Psychological Perspectives Potpourri Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Double Jeopardy
$100 Question from Classical Conditioning He is credited with classical conditioning.
$100 Answer from Classical Conditioning Who is Pavlov?
$200 Question from Classical Conditioning Of the conditioned response and the unconditioned response, the one that is stronger.
$200 Answer from Classical Conditioning What is the Unconditioned Response (UCR)?
$300 Question from Classical Conditioning He used classical conditioning to condition Little Albert to fear a white rat.
$300 Answer from Classical Conditioning Who is John B. Watson?
$400 Question from Classical Conditioning In Pavlov’s experiments on salivary conditioning in a dog, the unconditioned stimulus was this
$400 Answer from Classical Conditioning What is meat/food?
$500 Question from Classical Conditioning Zoe got a new puppy. Unfortunately, the puppy isn’t trained, and it jumps on Zoe, who is only 3. After being knocked down repeatedly, Zoe became afraid of the puppy. Recently she has been afraid of all the other dogs she sees too. Zoe’s recent fear of all dogs is a clear example of this principle of conditioning.
$500 Answer from Classical Conditioning What is stimulus generalization?
$100 Question from Operant Conditioning He is credited with operant conditioning.
$100 Answer from Operant Conditioning Who is B.F. Skinner?
$200 Question from Operant Conditioning Zeon’s Mom used to pay him for cleaning his room. Since she has stopped paying him Zeon may exhibit this principle of conditioning.
$200 Answer from Operant Conditioning What is extinction?
$300 Question Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner’s work elaborated on what E.L. Thondike had called this.
$300 Answer from Operant Conditioning What is the Laws of Effect?
$400 Question from Operant Conditioning Food in the mouth is an example of a positive reinforcer. However, the termination of an electric shock is this type of reinforcer.
$400 Answer from Operant Conditioning What is a negative reinforcer?
$500 Question from Operant Conditioning A trainer wants to teach a parrot to peck a key to obtain food. If she wants the parrot to learn this trick quickly and also be resistant to extinction, she should use this schedule of reinforcement until the response is mastered and then follow with a period of this schedule of reinforcement.
$500 Answer from Operant Conditioning What is continuous/partial?
$100 Question from Sensation/Perception The weakest amount of stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time.
$100 Answer from Sensation/Perception What is an absolute threshold?
$200 Question from Sensation/Perception The part of the eye through which light enters.
$200 Answer from Sensation/Perception What is the pupil?
$300 Question from Sensation/Perception These structures are responsible for color vision.
$300 Answer from Sensation/Perception What are cones?
$400 Question from Sensation/Perception Depth cues that require the use of two eyes.
$400 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What are binocular depth cues?
$500 Question from Sensation/Perception The group of psychologists who studied perception. They believed that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
$500 Answer from Sensation/Perception Who are the Gestalt Psychologists?
$100 Question from Psychological Perspectives This perspective is distinctive because it emphasizes that behavior is influenced by unconscious drives and conflicts.
$100 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is a psychoanalytic?
$200 Question from Psychological Perspectives This perspective is most likely to emphasize that people can learn to discontinue bad habits such as smoking.
$200 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is Behaviorism?
$300 Question from Psychological Perspectives This was the man who was the Founding father of the Behavioristic perspective.
$300 Answer from Psychological Perspectives Who is John B. Watson?
$400 Question from Psychological Perspectives This psychological perspective may attribute the cause of schizophrenia to irregular levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
$400 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is the Biological Perspective?
$500 Question from Psychological Perspectives This psychological perspective emphasizes people’s capacities to consciously choose their life patterns.
$500 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is the humanistic perspective?
$100 Question from Potpourri Roy G. Biv is an example of this.
$100 Answer from Potpourri What is a mnemonic Device?
$200 Question from Potpourri Of psychologist and psychiatrist the one that can prescribe medication.
$200 Answer from Potpourri What is a psychiatrist?
$300 Question from Potpourri The central nervous system is made up of the brain and this.
$300 Answer from Potpourri What is the spinal cord?
$400 Question from Potpourri One of the two neurotransmitters involved in depression.
$400 Answer from Potpourri What is serotonin or norepinephrine?
$500 Question from Potpourri In additive color mixing, the combination of red, green and blue creates this color but in subtractive color mixing the combination of red, yellow, and blue creates this color
$500 Answer from Potpourri What is white and black?
Double Jeopardy Brain Freud 200 400 600 800 1000 Schizo-phrenia General Disorders Defense Mechanisms 200 400 600 800 1000
$200 Question from The Brain The longest part of the neuron.
$200 Answer from The Brain What is the axon?
$400 Question from The Brain This is the lobe of the brain that is involved in motivation, motor movement, and judgment.
What is the frontal lobe? $400 Answer from The Brain What is the frontal lobe?
$600 Question from The Brain The part of the brain that regulates temperature, emotional responses, and visceral responses.
What is the hypothalamus? $600 Answer from The Brain What is the hypothalamus?
$800 Question from The Brain The three major components of a neuron.
What are the cell body, axon, and dendrites? $800 Answer from The Brain What are the cell body, axon, and dendrites?
$1000 Question from The Brain Neural impulses travel faster in neurons insulated with this.
$1000 Answer from The Brain What is myelin sheath?
The psychological perspective most associated with Freud. $200 Question from Freud The psychological perspective most associated with Freud.
What is Psychoanalysis? $200 Answer from Freud What is Psychoanalysis?
Being stuck in a psychosexual stage. $400 Question from Freud Being stuck in a psychosexual stage.
$400 Answer from Freud What is fixated?
$600 Question from Freud The level of the mind where repressed memories reside. This is the level of the mind that held the most fascination for Freud
What is the unconscious? $600 Answer from Freud What is the unconscious?
The personality structure that provides us with a sense of morality? $800 Question from Freud The personality structure that provides us with a sense of morality?
$800 Answer for Freud What is the Superego
$1000 Question from Freud The Freudian personality structure that keeps us in touch with reality.
$1000 Answer from Freud What is the ego?
$200 Question from Schizophrenia Daily double This is the most common form of hallucination in schizophrenia
$200 Answer from Schizophrenia What are auditory hallucinations?
$400 Question from Schizophrenia False but persistent beliefs despite evidence to the contrary.
$400 Answer from Schizophrenia What are delustions?
$600 Question from Schizophrenia When one repeats words said in his presence over and over again.
$600 Answer from Schizophrenia What is echolalia?
$800 Question from Schizophrenia The type of delusion one is having when he believes that everyone is looking at and/or talking about him.
$800 Answer from Schizophrenia What is a delusion of reference?
$1000 Question from Schizophrenia The tendency for one thought to be logically unconnected, or only superficially related to the next.
$1000 Answer from Sensation and Perception What is derailment? Or What are loose associations?
$200 Question from General Disorders An unwanted thought that continuously runs through one’s mind.
$200 Answer from General Disorders What is an obsession?
$400 Question from General Disorders A person who fears wide open spaces and often never leaves the security of his home suffers from this type of phobia.
$400 Answer from General Disorders What is Agoraphobia?
$600 Question from General Disorders Amnesia, Fugue, and Multiple Personalities are this type of disorder.
$600 Answer from General Disorders What are dissociative disorders?
$800 Question from General Disorders Lady MacBeth continuously felt the need to wash her hands. She, most likely, suffered from this type of disorder
$800 Answer from Learning and Conditioning What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
$1000 Question from General Disorders In this disorder a person experiences genuine physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that make no physiological sense.
$1000 Answer from General Disorders What is Conversion Disorder?
$200 Question from Defense Mechanisms With the exception of suppression, all defense mechanisms are this.
$200 Answer from Defense Mechanisms What is unconscious?
$400 Question from Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms are a part of his theory.
$400 Answer from Defense Mechanisms Who is Freud?
$600 Question from Defense Mechanisms The type of rationalization when you convince yourself that what you have you want and think is great.
$600 Answer from Defense Mechanisms What is sweet lemons?
$800 Question from Defense Mechanisms Finding socially acceptable ways to fulfill socially unacceptable urges.
$800 Answer from Potpourri What is sublimation?
$1000 Question from Defense Mechanisms The Catholic custom of going to confession can be considered this type of Defense Mechanism
$1000 Answer from Defense Mechanisms What is Undoing?
Final Jeopardy Jennifer proofread manuscripts for a publisher and is paid $10 for every three pages she reads. Jennifer is reinforced on this type of schedule.
schedule of reinforcement? Final Jeopardy Answer What is a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement?