Stacy L. Nonnemacher, PhD Senior Clinical Consultant Thursday Afternoon Adult Autism Waiver Provider Training: Adult Autism Waiver: Job Services Stacy L. Nonnemacher, PhD Senior Clinical Consultant
Agenda Waiver outcomes Review Service Definitions Job Assessment activities
Waiver Outcomes Employment experience Hours per week employed Volunteer experience Hours per week volunteering
AAW Job Services
Something for everyone! Job Assessment Job Finding Supported Employment Transitional Work Services Volunteer: Community Inclusion ** Regardless of who is providing the services (the same or different providers), all services should be viewed as separate activities (with the SC assisting in coordination of the appropriate service)** These two services are billed as one (1) unit. Meaning, completion of outcome (e.g., assessment or position secured for 30 days) determines payment for service
Job Assessment Conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment Informal and formal means Ideally, job tryouts or situational vocational assessments (based upon preferences) Synthesize the outcome of the assessment with recommendations/submit to SC
No such thing as “unemployable” Rather, what supports need to be in place to address the participant’s desire for employment and needs
Which service best matches the participant’s needs and strengths???
Job Finding Work with the SC to determine the ideal situation for the participant (i.e., competitive or volunteer situation) Identify and secure a job that fits the participant’s preferences and employer’s needs *Job Assessment and Finding may be provided concurrent with Supported Employment if the participant wants to obtain a better job while continuing to work.
Supported Employment Unlike other programs, this service is intended to provide 1:1 support for AAW participants Optimally, reduce need for intensive support by increasing the participant’s capacity Quarterly Reporting Assessment of progress Identification of needs and plan to address those needs * Total combined hours for Community Inclusion, Day Habilitation, Supported Employment and Transitional Work Services are limited to 50 hours/calendar week
Transitional Work Services More appropriate for those that have little to no employment experience Includes: Mobile work force, Workstation in industry, Affirmative industry, and Enclave (group) Intent of this service is to support individuals in transition to integrated, competitive employment Quarterly reporting: Assessment of participant’s progress Ensure participant is aware of employment options Identification of needs and plan to address those needs * Total combined hours for Community Inclusion, Day Habilitation, Supported Employment and Transitional Work Services are limited to 50 hours/calendar week
Volunteer: Community Inclusion More appropriate for participants that need more job exploration, have no desire for competitive employment, or would like to do concurrent with competitive employment situation Intent of this service is to assist participants in acquiring requisite skills for specific settings/environments * Total combined hours for Community Inclusion, Day Habilitation, Supported Employment and Transitional Work Services are limited to 50 hours/calendar week
Closer Look at Job Assessment
Responsibility of a Job Assessment Provider Conduct informal assessments Conduct formal assessments Conduct job tryout/situational vocational assessment Synthesize information/data obtained through assessment process Report information/data to SC
Final Recommendations What supports need to be in place to address the participant’s desire for employment and needs Examples: Jon is very vocal about wanting a job and wanting money. Specific to the job tryout doing landscaping, Jon needed many verbal reminders throughout the time on site to remain on task… While Erin is motivated and would like to have a job and earn money, she has limited experience out of her home environment….
Communication with SC Submit Job Assessment Summary Report to SC Given what is known about the participant, discuss recommendations and which service may be most appropriate for the participant SC and team has ultimate determination in identifying appropriate service
Job Assessment: HCSIS
Next Week: Thursday Afternoon Adult Autism Waiver Provider Training: What is Functional Eligibility??