College Math Courses in Our High Schools The Discussion Continues


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Presentation transcript:

College Math Courses in Our High Schools The Discussion Continues Jessica Giglio, COCC Math Department Kathy Smith, COCC Math Department

Definitions Dual credit: high school students earn college credit while in high school  Taught at the high school Taught during the school day COCC-approved high school teachers Concurrent enrollment: high school students take COCC classes on college campus, taught by college faculty J We’ll be focusing strictly on the first category in this presentation. Who has experience with dual credit programs? For Oregon attendees: College Now or something else? [Use this to help plan “presentation” time constraints.]

Growth in dual credit/concurrent enrollment in Oregon 40/40/20 plan (2011) 40% of Oregonians will have an AS or post secondary credential by 2025 Create clear pathways that insure more students go on to college Earning college credit while in HS increases likelihood of continuing to college Regional Promise Grants (2014) To build “collaborative, innovative, and flexible ways to foster a college-going culture” To “create additional opportunities for high school students to … earn credit in college-level courses” Measure 98 (2016) Section 6: Access to College-Level Courses in High Schools K You can find our complete original grant proposal at the link

Challenges in Central Oregon Demographics Student preparation for college-level work Maintaining college rigor Faculty/high school instructor workload High school instructor qualifications K Re: last bullet: College Now requires that teachers meet the “30 graduate credits in the subject matter” threshold, but we don’t have such teachers in all our rural schools

Our solution A collaboration between Central Oregon Community College Oregon State University—Cascades High Desert Educational Service District (includes 9 high schools) J

J This is how Cascades Commitment fits into Central Oregon’s larger plan for increasing student success

Our Eastern Promise Replication Grant covers these expenses COCC instructors’ time for creation and implementation of summer courses and PLCs Stipends to high school teachers who participated Sub time for high school teachers to observe each other and COCC instructors Mileage for high school teachers Graduate credits for all participating teachers (TCE800) Curriculum for both writing and math courses Brochures and logo Grant coordination And more… K Graduate credits not applicable toward a specific degree, but toward HS teacher’s continuing ed requirements

Minimum teacher qualifications Advanced Math TSPC credential Experience teaching algebra and/or precalculus courses At least two years teaching experience Completed application J

Desired qualifications A willingness and desire to teach college level math A desire to contribute to the community of learners through written and verbal participation An interest in using active learning techniques to engage students A commitment to making time during the school year to develop their knowledge of and pedagogy in college-level math instruction J These are listed in the application and teachers are asked to address them

Workshops for math teachers Half-day summer workshop Subjects covered (focus on Math 111 and 112) Pedagogy for college-level math Course outcomes, assignments, and exams (including a common final) Teaching strategies, including: Active learning Writing and rubrics Labs and group activities “Rule of four” representations Quarterly PLCs – more pedagogy, sharing ideas and strategies, common final exam K

Discussion Topics: Do you have any general questions about Cascades Commitment? Tell us about your experiences with dual enrollment What should be the same between, say, a MTH 111 course offered at the college and one offered at the high school (e.g., common final)? What can be optional/different? Do you have any concerns about HS instructor qualifications in this context? Other thoughts or questions?

Thank you! For more information, contact: Jessica Giglio Kathy Smith