The Atlantic Forum process and outcomes MARITIME AFFAIRS DG-MARE Matthew King Dublin, 7 February 2012
economic potential of sea largely untapped energy food minerals pharmaceuticals
we now have the technology to exploit this potential long term investment is needed
can meet EU2020 objectives industry estimates for Europe 296,000 employed in offshore wind by 2030 450,000 jobs in wave and tide by 2050 reduction of carbon emissions ecosytem based management of living resources protection against risk and emergencies exploitation of seafloor resources socially inclusive growth
window of opportunity EU’s new financial framework begins in 2014 planning is beginning now Common Strategic Framework Partnership Contracts Operational Programmes
can we use these funds to unlock potential of sea ? Budget € billion Structural and Cohesion 376.0 Research - Horizon 2020 80.0 Maritime and Fisheries Fund 6.6 Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs 2.5 LIFE+ 3.6 Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 101.2 External Action Instruments 96.2 Total 666.1
Atlantic Forum generate concrete ideas for ideas to come from priority actions projects ideas to come from Member States Regions stakeholders feed into Action Plan
main actors Leadership Group Steering Group Regional Events
Action Plan must feed into national Partnership Contracts key to success Action Plan must feed into national Partnership Contracts
these links need to be made Finance Ministries in Member States Leadership Group 2012 Partnership Contracts Action Plan 2013 Operational Programmes projects
Timetable February-March 2012 gathering of proposals April 2012 visits to 5 EU Atlantic States April 2012 priority actions defined June -July 2012 on-line consultation stakeholder events to refine and review proposals Steering Group prepares Consultation Document November 2012 draft Action Plan early 2013 Final Action Plan 2014-2020 monitoring of implementation
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