5th/ 6th Grade Ms. Yin Mr. Schnee and mrs. blair Curriculum Overview
Welcome to 5th & 6th Grade Explore how our cultural traditions and systems, natural conditions, and technology influence how humans live together in our global society past and present. How will we work together to solve 21st Century Problems?
Academic Goals for Students Acquire a solid foundation in the content areas of mathematics, language arts, Mandarin, social studies, and science. Work at a high level within these content areas Produce work within these areas that reflects individuality and creativity at a level that is Use technology as a creativity and productivity, communication, and collaboration tool. (ISTE-NETS K-12 Standards) Produce work within these areas that reflects individuality and creativity at a level that is advanced in relationship to other students of the same grade. Use technology as a productivity tool. (Arizona K-12 Standards)
Cognitive and Affective Goals Problem solve; and think creatively, critically and logically Efficient learning skills and organizing. Advanced research skills to gather, analyze, and apply information and ideas. Communicate effectively both within and beyond the classroom. Make decisions and act as a responsible member of a community.
A Good Start – Get Organized Composition books Used daily Interactive with glue-ins Keep loose papers glued in Organization will be graded Agenda/Calendar Students record assignments and due dates. Teacher will post assignments on website. Wordly Wise tests bi-weekly
A Good Year – Stay Focused High quality work Personal responsibility to complete assignments on time Responsibility to seek additional help when needed Keep a perspective on friendships. Maintain positive work environment in the classroom Socialize at appropriate times outside of the classroom
Homework about 60 Min/Day Math Monday - Friday Independent Practice – (complete, work shown, corrected) = 100% No calculators on computation practice unless directed All HW due on Monday Vocabulary Wordly Wise – Bi-weekly tests Introduced/ classwork Tested every other week Novel studies Vocabulary Vocabulary within the story or NF piece we are studying Reading Independent Novel Studies Reading Street (5th Grade) The Collections (6th Grade) Reading Street MOBY MAX Projects Long-Term Project Work Unfinished School Work Writing & 2/3 times a week current events
Communication Teacher Website (check under the grade level on Gavilan Peak Website) Announcements, important dates, news, homework assignments, curriculum, links to resources Take Home Folders - Use for students to bring home papers from school. Please empty weekly. Agendas – Students use planners to record homework, assignments, and reminders.
Communication Email, Phone, Notes Please use one these methods to contact us as needed. We will contact you by these methods as needed. Conferences - Conferences will be held at the end of the first and third quarters. Third quarter conferences will be student- led. Additional meetings can be scheduled as needed.
Parent Access to On-Line Grade Book See information sheet for your student’s login information.
Language Arts Arizona College and career ready Standards – Lexile Level 955-1155 Literature Cite evidence, analyze elements of literature, compare contrast (literary response) Informational Text Research, Persuasive Analysis, Text Structure Writing Persuasive, Expository Research, Narrative, Speaking and Listening Oral persuasive discussions and Persuasive and logical Presentations Language Grammar, sentence structure, style and tone, vocabulary development
CAMP SURF Arrive Wednesday @ 4:45 AM in front of GYM Arrive @ GP Friday between 7-8:00 PM Bring: Label Everything Sleeping bag, pillow & 2 towels Backpack Water bottle w name Swimsuit Hat, sunscreen, OFF Spending cash Snacks for bus ride going and coming home