Raw data Log-transformed data Male age log age Female age log age


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Presentation transcript:

Raw data Log-transformed data Male age log age Female age log age Supplementary Fig 1 A: Histograms of age and log-transformed age for males and females Raw data Log-transformed data Male age log age Female age log age

Raw data log-transformed data Male BMI log BMI Female BMI log BMI Supplementary Fig 1 B: Histograms of BMI or log-transformed BMI for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male BMI log BMI Female BMI log BMI

Raw data log-transformed data Male LDL log LDL Female LDL log LDL Supplementary Fig 1 C: Histograms of LDL-C or log-transformed LDL-C for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male LDL log LDL Female LDL log LDL

Raw data log-transformed data Male HDL log HDL Female HDL log HDL Supplementary Fig 1 D: Histograms of HDL-C or log-transformed HDL-C for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male HDL log HDL Female HDL log HDL

Raw data log-transformed data Male TC log TC Female TC log TC Supplementary Fig 1 E: Histograms of T-Chol or log-transformed T-Chol for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male TC log TC Female TC log TC

Raw data log-transformed data Male TG log TG Female TG log TG Supplementary Fig 1 F: Histograms of triglyceride or log-transformed triglyceride for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male TG log TG Female TG log TG

Raw data log-transformed data Male PL log PL Female PL log PL Supplementary Fig 1 G: Histograms of phospholipid or log-transformed phospholipid for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male PL log PL Female PL log PL

Raw data log-transformed data Male UA log UA Female UA log UA Supplementary Fig 1 H: Histograms of urate or log-transformed urate for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male UA log UA Female UA log UA

Raw data log-transformed data Male HbA1c log HbA1c Female HbA1c Supplementary Fig 1 I: Histograms of HbA1c or log-transformed HbA1c for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male HbA1c log HbA1c Female HbA1c log HbA1c

Raw data log-transformed data Male Systole log systole Female Systole Supplementary Fig 1 J: Histograms of systolic blood pressure or log-transformed systolic blood pressure for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male Systole log systole Female Systole log systole

Raw data log-transformed data Male Diastole log diastole Female Supplementary Fig 1 K: Histograms of diastolic blood pressure or log-transformed diastolic blood pressure for males and females Raw data log-transformed data Male Diastole log diastole Female Diastole log diastole