MAP KEY/LEGEND A map key or legend shows the meaning of the symbols used on the map.
Compass Rose A Compass Rose is a marking on a map that shows the Cardinal and Intermediate directions.
Equator The Equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Latitude Latitude lines are lines that run East and West on a globe or map, and are measured in degrees North or South of the Equator. (Equator’s brothers)
Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian is the imaginary line that divides the earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Longitude Longitude lines are lines that run North and South on a globe or map, and are measured in degrees East or West of the Prime Meridian. (Prime Meridian’s sisters)
Scale The Scale on a map shows the distance represented by a unit of measurement.
Relative Location Relative location is how we describe the location of a place based on its relationship to another place. Example: Mexico is south of the United States.
Absolute Location Absolute location is how we describe where a place is based on its latitude and longitude coordinates. Example: New Orleans is located at 30°N Latitude by 90°W Longitude.
Hemisphere A hemisphere is half of the earth, divided by one of the major lines of latitude or longitude.