SWBAT explain life in a modern Islamic society. 1. Objective (READ) SWBAT explain life in a modern Islamic society. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) 1. What is the holy book of Christianity? 2. Give an example of life under Islamic law.
Activity LAPTOPS Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation YES - whisper, to help kids, be on task, only to your group Help Directions 1st, Group members 2nd, Orso, notebook Activity Researching, answering questions, creating projects or products Movement YES – to get with your group YES – to get a laptop after you are approved NO – remain seated at all times, use signals Participation Right = typing, writing, helping Wrong = using any website or program other than what is assigned
Table of Contents Date Title Lesson # **SOUTHWEST ASIA** 1/31 Physical Geography 56 2/2 Religion 57 2/3 Traditional Islam 58 2/7 Modern Islam 59 1. Create a new page called “Modern Islam” 2. Label it page # 59.
A) Theocracy – a government based on religion. Laws are based on religion B) Secular – a government based on a constitution Laws are based on consititution COPY
Religious Law vs. Secular Law Islamic Law = Secular Law = decides the law READ ONLY
Islamic Law – Characteristics 1. Criminal laws based on the Qu’ran 2. Must follow religious guidelines for prayers, fasting, and giving $$ to the poor 3. Must follow SOCIAL guidelines for personal hygiene, diet, sexual conduct, and raising children 4. Economic laws also based on the Qu’ran NO women in advertising NO US corporations Must give to charities READ ONLY
Directions 1. Divide your Modern Islam page into four boxes. 2. Copy down the outline notes into each box
I. Intro II. Economic Effects A) B) A) Tertiary Activities 1. 2. 3. B) Quaternary Activities Boxes 1 and 2 - Copy the outline for boxes 1 and 2 - Leave boxes 3 and 4 blank until you get to that part with your group - Go to S:) Student Read Only – Orso Folder – SW Asia folder – Open the file called “Modern Islam – L”
Go to S:) Student Read Only – Orso Folder – SW Asia Folder – Open the file called “Modern Islam – 11 - L.”
Modern Islam vs. Traditional Islam Day 2 – Modern Life in Islamic Nations READ ONLY
Economic Development or Traditional Values? READ ONLY Economics is changing… Should culture change too? LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT SOUTHWEST ASIA. ↓ Citrus Farming MODERN ↑ Shopping Malls
I. Intro A. Bottom Line - Oil money has allowed many SW Asian nations to grow their economies B. Key Question – How do SW Asian countries balance economic development and traditional Islamic culture? (answer now or at the end) COPY BOX
II. Economic Effects A) Tertiary Activities 1. development of banks, stock markets 2. shopping malls 3. women entering the workplace as teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Dubai Hotel, largest in the world. COPY BOX
B) Quaternary Activities COPY BOX B) Quaternary Activities 1. development of TV, media, and internet 2. secular (non-religious) universities Dubai’s Media City, home to news stations, online publishing, newspapers
III. Modernization A) B) C) IV. Westernization Boxes 3 and 4 - Copy the outline into boxes 3 and 4
III. Modernization A) Definition– when a country builds infrastructure to become industrialized rapidly B) Characteristics - urbanization, factories, new infrastructure, more rights for people. COPY BOX
III. Modernization C) Examples: COPY BOX C) Examples: - Airports - Shopping Malls - Technology Systems - Online businesses - Dams - Deep Wells - Task – Add 3 examples of infrastructure that would be needed to modernize a poor SW Asian nation.
Modernization Task You are the new Shah (king) of Iran. Write a diary entry (or draw a cartoon) that demonstrates how Iran uses its oil money to modernize it’s country. Include at least 4 examples of modernization.
IV. Westernization A) Definition – When a non-Western country adopts Western Ideas and traditions like culture, government, and economics. B) Examples – technology, diet, language, religion, entertainment, law, political system COPY BOX
What is the West? COPY BOX + C. West = US and Europe
Westernization Task Create a tv lineup that shows the titles of 3 tv shows that will be on at 8, 830, and 9 in two SW Asian countries. Country A – Is considered a traditional islamic society and does not allow any westernization. Country B – Is considered a modern Islamic society and allows westernization. You may use the template on the next slide to help you.
SW Asia Channel Guide 8:00 8:30 9:00 Country A – Traditional Islamic Society Country B – Modern Islamic Society