2017 Football and Cheer Parents’ Orientation
Important Websites/Email http://LHYSL. org/ LHYS. hornets@gmail Important Websites/Email http://LHYSL.org/ LHYS.hornets@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook: @LHYSLHORNETS2
About LHYSL Provide football and cheer opportunities for children grades 1-6 in the Licking Heights Community 501c3 not-for-profit (donations are accepted!) Feeder system to our District Student Athletes first. It is about the kids…not the parents. By-laws ensure fairness to every athlete. Board is made up of community member volunteers dedicated to the best experience possible for your kids.
Board Members Jon Buerkel President Natasha Cornelius Concession Mgr. Darryl Huffman Vice President Diane Chiriac Team Mom Coordinator April Riccardo Treasurer Jamie Hunt Member Lori Landry Secretary Jennifer Bunner Steve Greene Football Director Kevin Greene Katrina Youngquist Cheer Director OPEN Kevin Adams Equipment Mgr. Krista Swickard Fundraising Mgr.
We play in the LCLYF
Parents’ Role
GET YOUR CHILD WHERE THEY NEED TO BE ON TIME 2 GET YOUR CHILD WHERE THEY NEED TO BE ON TIME Football Combine Tuesday and Wednesday July 25th and 26th Cheer Evaluations Wednesday, July 26th Football and Cheer Equipment Pickup Saturday, July 29th* *Time is determined by team Football Practices Start Monday, July 31st Cheer Practices Start Hive Night/Parade Friday and Saturday August 18th and August 19th Opening Day Sunday, August 20th
3 SUPPORT YOUR CHILD Understand the Requirements Full Contact Sport Risks of injury, concussions Time Demanding Practices, Games Physically Demanding Proper Rest and Sleep, Diet, Hydration Psychologically Demanding Learning Roles, Developing Confidence Encouragement and Support of Parents
3 SUPPORT YOUR CHILD Understand Injury/Return to Play Guidelines Player should report to the head coach when injured Report any injuries during a game or practice Report any injuries that appear after getting home The Head Coach will determine participants activity status All injured athletes will attend practices and games unless excused by the Head Coach Serious injuries require “Return to Play” clearance Broken bone, concussion etc. Injured athlete will not be permitted to practice or play until being released in writing by a doctor
3 SUPPORT YOUR CHILD Communicate the Code of Conduct: The following items are acts of misconduct and will not be tolerated: Any use, possession, or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco Disrespect toward any coach, athletic trainer or manager in the program Stealing, Bullying, Dishonesty General Misconduct or Horseplay Anything not listed above but can be considered irresponsible or uncooperative.
4 VOLUNTEER Concession and Chains Team Parent Board of Directors
4 VOLUNTEER Concession and Chains Each team/squad will provide Volunteers For Craig Field (Home) games, but NOT your son/daughter’s game Participation is essential to the Leagues existence And it’s fun and easy! We reserve the right to administer a monetary fine, towards your team, for failure to: Participate Not report for duty at your allotted time Cancel without finding a replacement
4 VOLUNTEER Team Parent Each team/squad is required to have a Team Parent that will: Be a liaison between the coaches, parents, and Team-parent Coordinator Organize post game snacks (if any) Organize team fundraisers (if any) Plan/organize end-of-season party
RESPECT THE VOLUNTEER COACHES 5 RESPECT THE VOLUNTEER COACHES DO NOT approach coach during a practice or game (observe a 24 hour cooling off period) DO NOT discuss issues regarding Player’s Position or Playing Time (unless they are not receiving minimum plays) DO ask the coach for a time to talk either after practice, or on a day without an event DO send coach a respectful email Concern about player’s treatment Available times to contact you DO call and leave voicemail to set up a meeting
Grievance Process Applies for both Cheer and Football Step 1: Discuss with athlete first Step 2: Discuss concerns with Head Coach (after practice) Step 3: If not addressed by Head Coach complete Grievance Form and Submit Step 4: Grievance is reviewed by the LHYSL President an evaluated for completeness Step 5: Appropriate actions determined by Officers of the board (President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary)
Grievance Process Please do NOT discuss with Board Members, bypass the Head Coach and file a grievance first. Do NOT contact the Licking County League Youth Football (LCLYF) Commissioner Please DO discuss with athlete first, discuss with Head Coach next, and THEN complete Grievance Form 10 (Online) in full
How this all works. Football
Football Draft Draft will be held the morning of July 29th Coaches will contact players shortly after the draft to notify team and specific pick up time. Pick-up times are same day, July 29th, from 11-3 p.m. Please come only during your child’s team/squad assigned time slot! Pick up will be at Eastpointe Church.
Football Equipment Football equipment will be issued and fit at Equipment Handout Day on July 29th Please don’t arrive early and expect to get in line Estimate 30-40 minutes to get thru all stations Parents with multiple kids, bring youngest with oldest and we will size and fit them together
Football Equipment Please Respect League-Issued Equipment Game Jersey [Player’s keep at end of season] Game Pants [Returned] Practice Jersey [Returned] Helmet & Shoulder Pads [Returned] Player’s Required to get Practice Pants [Recommended integrated pants] Socks [Maroon] Cleats [non-metal] Must wear your issued equipment for practices and games (do not wear game pants for practice)
Football Equipment You are responsible for each item issued If lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear, you will pay to replace Do not Alter or Label Anything Do not cut or alter any of our equipment/straps Do not add anything to any piece of equipment Do not add anything to helmets (tape, numbers, Breast Cancer stickers)
Football Practices START MONDAY, July 31st Practice at High School from 6-8 p.m. Day of weeks may vary depending on game Days of week determined by Head Coach 4 days per week (before school) 3 days per week (during school) Since we want as many Hornet fans to attend the LH varsity games, Friday will not be used for practice Parent/Guardian must stay at Practice
Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right. Attendance Policy Coaches expect players to be in attendance and on time at all team events during the season including: Team Meetings Practices Scrimmages Games Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right.
Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right. Attendance Policy Coaches may excuse an absence due to: An emergency (family, academic, medical) An illness (If you stay home or go home from school sick, you are excused) MUST communicate DAY OF absence to Head Coach (Voicemail, Email or Text) Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right.
How this all works. Cheer
Cheer Uniforms Please respect league-issued equipment Uniform shell, skirt, and pom-poms Spankies, cropped body suit and bow If torn please contact the Cheer Director for assistance. Instructions for uniform care to be provided at uniform pick up Cheerleaders required to get socks and tennis Shoes Wear your issued equipment only for games
Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right. Cheer Practices START MONDAY, July 31st Practice at High School from 6-8 p.m. Days of week determined by Head Coach 4 days per week (before school) 2-3 days per week (during school) Fridays will not be used for same reason as football practice. Parent/Guardian must stay at practice Being a member of the team is a privilege, not a right.
Cheer Camp Not Mandatory August 10th and 11th, Noon-3p in the high school auxiliary gym. Registration is $25 Girls are going to learn chants, fight song, and jumps for youth night! We will also be giving spirit sticks to best squads!