Finance Training For Admissions Chairmen EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Contact Finance: Office number: 426-6593 or 426-6500 Hours of Operation: 5:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. For assistance with change requests and money pick ups EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
The First Day You Should: Upon arrival at AirVenture, stop at the Finance Office, located at the southwest corner of the EAA Wearhouse, to pick up your finance supplies and working fund. You Should: Review your location’s supply list Decide whether to keep the working funds all week or return them each evening. Verify the working funds that you are given. It is expected that you count the funds. Receive a key fob to use throughout the week. Beginning the Sunday before the event, the Finance Office will be secured. You will be required to ring the bell and identify yourself until you receive a key fob. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Accepting Credit Cards – PCI Compliance All volunteers that process credit cards, should read the PCI Compliance Policy. Volunteers should sign the PCI log that they have reviewed the PCI Compliance Policy (“Policy”.) A copy of the Policy can be found in the supply boxes. The PCI log can be found in your supply box. When all volunteers have signed the PCI log, please return the completed log to the Finance Office. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Working Funds Locations keeping working funds throughout the week, store in locked cash room and safe, if possible Locations picking up working funds can do so at the Finance Office at the beginning of each day Verify the amount being picked up and sign 3 part form. Finance will keep 1 part, the remaining 2 parts go with you and should be returned to Finance when you turn your working funds in. When returning the working fund, bring the 2 parts back with the money. Finance will sign the 2 parts to confirm that you returned the funds. Finance will keep 1 part and give you 1 part as a receipt. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Securing Money Throughout the Day Place submittals and cash/checks in a safe place and hold until a) you are ready to deliver to the Finance Office or b) they are picked up by an authorized Finance runner. Runner will sign the submittal when picking up the funds. Bring all submittals and cash/checks to Finance Office at the end of the day. Finance staff will sign the form and return the blue copy to the chairman. During the day, if you have deposits (i.e. cash submittals completed) that are ready to be taken to the Finance Office, call and an authorized person will pick up your deposits. This will give the Finance Office a head start on processing the deposit (versus doing them all at night.) EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Forms of Payment Accepted Cash US Currency only Credit Cards including Debit cards (will be processed as credit) Personal checks will be accepted from members only with the following noted on the check: Member number Telephone number Foreign Currency will not be accepted at the Admission Gates. Payments should be made via credit card. Have guest come to the Finance Teller Window in the EAA Wearhouse for assistance. Foreign Checks will not be accepted at the Admission Gates. Payments should be made via credit card. Have guest come to the Finance Teller Window in the EAA Wearhouse for assistance. Traveler’s Checks must be: Made out to EAA Counter-signed in your presence Dated EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Finance Services Offered Teller Window (located in the SE corner inside the EAA Wearhouse by the book section) Member check cashing (up to $200/day) Notary (call ahead to be sure someone is there) Foreign currency exchange ATM Machines * Camp Scholler Areas: * Campground EAA Security Building (porch) * Red One Market West (inside) * Red One Market Central (inside) * Aircraft Camping Areas: * Red One Market North – merchandise (booth) * Ultralight Barn (inside) * AirVenture Grounds: * Member Center (booth) * Bus Terminal (booth) * Wearhouse Sales (inside) (2 – ATMs) * Fly Market (porch of exhibit building) * Homebuilt HQ (porch) * Main Gate (booth) * EAA AirVenture Museum (inside) * Sky Shoppe Sales (inside) * Vintage Grill (booth) * Warbird HQ (inside) * Seaplane Base EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
How Do I Turn in Cash/Checks to Finance Office? Complete a Cash Deposit Submittal Can be done at the end of each day or throughout the day depending on volume 1. Pull funds from the cash register drawer 2. Sort all cash by denominations (if not already) 3. Keep the working fund separate 4. Count the cash from cash register drawer (less working funds). 5. Complete a Cash Submittal Deposit Slip Form as shown here. 6. Sign/initial on the Submitted By line 7. Wrap the submittal around the deposit and rubber band the bundle for transport to Finance. Part #1: white, goes with the deposit to the bank Part #2: yellow, used by Finance Part #3: blue, receipt for Chairman EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
How Do I Record Credit Card Deposits? To identify the amount of credit cards taken at a register Open the Finance Reporting application on the desk top of the Administrator computer Click on the ‘Credit Card Transactions’ report option Click on the correct day on the calendar
Credit Card Deposits continued: - Click on the ‘Preview’ button to see the credit card report - Locate the dollar amount associated with the cash register number you are balancing EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Credit Card Deposits continued: 2. Complete the Credit Card Submittal for submission to Finance Office as shown: Using the information from the Finance Reporting application, complete the submittal Sign/initial the submittal on the Submitted By line 3. Complete the Admissions & Camping Sales Envelope (#20). EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Admissions & Camping Sales Envelope #20 Pull the admissions credit card receipts from the cash drawer and wrap the submittal around them. The camping Agreement & Waiver of Liability form also goes in here. Complete the Admissions & Camping Envelope with the details taken from the Credit Card Submittal(s). Place the submittal and related receipts inside the envelope. NOTE: Submittal is a three part form Part #1: pink for Finance Part #2: gold for Finance Part #3: green receipt for Chairman EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Finance Information Envelope # 6 Used to transport unusual transaction paperwork to the Finance Office (such as the Finance Office Action Form (salmon colored), void forms, refunds given, computer errors, other notes to Finance, etc). 1. Mark the date and your location to specify where the information is coming from. (not required if no paperwork). EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Finance Information Envelope #6 - continued 2. Complete the Finance Office Action Form Salmon colored Communicate refund issues or other actions that need to be taken care of by Finance. ADVANCED PURCHASE Reminder: Refunds must be handled by the Finance Office. 3. Place forms in the Envelope EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Exchange Ticket Envelope # 21 Bring any exchange tickets to the Finance Office in the Exchange Ticket Envelope #21. Bundle redeemed exchange tickets in packs of 25. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
End of Day Checklist: Pull all working funds. If short, short a register. Look under all drawers for cash/checks. Complete all cash and credit card submittals. Complete the Admissions & Camping Sales Envelope #20 Place Century Club forms and exchange tickets (counted and rubber banded in packs of 25) into the Exchange Ticket Envelope #21. Prepare the Finance Information Envelope #6 for any miscellaneous receipts or notes for Finance, including any Finance Office Action Forms. At the end of each day, the Finance Office prints each Cash Register Balancing Sheet to reconcile the cash register activity to the funds received. For locations that prefer to do their own balancing, see the appendix. Turn in all lost credit cards in to the Finance Office. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Best Practices Lock cash rooms. Call Finance Office for a pick up when you have an excess amount of funds. 3. Transport money in zipper bags w/ 2 or more people, when possible. Observe volunteers during high volume activity. Review Over/Short Reports for variances. Advance Purchase No refunds given for advance purchase. Complete the Finance Office Action form and send to Finance Office for consideration. Programs – If a program is given to a guest because they purchased it online, cross off the barcode of their “ticket” and note that it was redeemed at the admissions window. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
The Last day of AirVenture: 1. Bring in all remaining deposits and paperwork 2. Return your working funds 3. Return the remaining supplies given to you at the beginning of the event. 4. Make note of any additional supplies you requested during the week for better preparation for next year. 5. Return your key fob to Finance 6. Pat yourself on the back. THANK YOU!!! EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
Appendix: Entering Deposit Submittal detail and Balancing the Cash Register For locations that prefer to balance their daily activity by entering the submittal deposits and print their own cash register Balancing Sheet use the following instructions. Entering the Submittal Summary on the Balancing Sheet Click on ‘Admin Tools’ in the AV Admissions application on the desk top and choose ‘Submittal Entry.
Entering Submittal Deposit detail continued: Click on Admin Tools in the Menu at the top of the main screen. Click on ‘Submittal Entry’. Select the register that you want in the Registers field. This is done by taking the cursor and clicking on the correct register. Then click on the ‘Assign to Session’ box. This will bring up the register dates. Select the date that want to enter by moving the cursor over the correct date and clicking on it. Click on the ‘Submittal Number’ box, enter the submittal number. Hit Tab. Now enter the dollar amount in the ‘Dollar Amount’ box. Hit Tab. Now the cursor is in the ‘Username’ box. Enter your initials. Click on the ‘Submit’ box to enter your entry. A box called ‘Create A Submittal’ will pop up. Press OK and the submittal will now be entered. After you click this box, the ‘Submittal Number’, ‘Amount’, and ‘Username’ box will clear. The submittal you entered has now been processed. Repeat steps no. 3 through 9 until all of the submittals are entered for the correct register. EAA : AirVenture Admissions Administrator Training
To print the Balancing Sheet : On the desk top, open the Financial Reporting application Click on ‘Balancing Sheet’ option at the top left Click on the current date in the calendar box Click on the cash register number you want to print Click on the ‘Preview’ button at the top right Click on print. If you entered the Submittal numbers and submittal amounts , that data will print below in the ‘Submittal Summary’ area of the envelope and the Cash Over/Short will populate.