Q1) Fill in the banks in each of the following: 1-It contains the computer is permanent startup programs ROM. 2- The RAM referred to as volatile memory. 3- SRAM is a type of memory that is faster than DRAM memory. 4- Advancements in EPROM technology have produced flash ROM. 5- One way to increase the memory access speed of a computer is Caching . 6- The Central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of a computer that contains the circuits that decode and execute instructions. 7- Most CPU chips and microprocessors have five functional sections : Arithmetic and logical unit(ALU) ,Control unit (CU) , Registers , Internal bus and Clock. 8- An Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) performs simple addition , multiplication ,division, and logic operations. 9- The Clock synchronizes يزامنthe components of a computer to work together .
10-The type of input devices is grouped according to the form of the manipulated معالج data text input devices, pointing devices, image input devices and special input devices. 11- The microphone converts the sound signal to an electrical signal. 12- We classify Output devices to three groups as follows soft copy devices ,hard copy devices and special purpose devices. 13- The most common types of hard copy devices are plotters and printers. 14- There are two general types of network scope Local area network(LAN) and Wide area network(WAN). 15- Each network adapter has unique address called media access control(MAC). 16- As the data passes through the cable to the network adapter, it is formatted into packets. 17- There are five basic network topology bus topology , star topology , ring topology , mesh topology and hybrid topology . 18- The method of transmitting data around the ring is called token passing. 19- There are two common techniques for wireless transmission in a LAN infrared transmission and narrowband radio transmission.
Q2) Answer each of the following True or False and rewrite the correct answer: 1- Computer architecture is concerned with the hardware design of the computer ( false ) Computer design is concerned with the hardware design of the computer 2- SRAM supports access times as low as 10 nanoseconds ( True). 3- Every system board contains one or two RAM IC that hold the system is basic input/output system(BIOS) program ( False). Every system board contains one or two ROM IC that hold the system is basic input/output system(BIOS) program. 4- Some memory caches are built into the architecture of microprocessors( True). 5- The register is a network of communication lines that links internal CPU elements ( False). The internal bus is a network of communication lines that links internal CPU elements. 6- The CU performs simple addition ,multiplication .division , and logic operation (False). The ALU performs simple addition ,multiplication .division , and logic operation. 7- A wide area network (WAN) connects computers that are located near each other(False). A Local area network (LAN) connects computers that are located near each other.
8- Network adapter receives data from the computer operating system and converts it into electrical signals that are transmitted onto cable and vice versa (True). 9- Computers are connected to a common shared called star topology (False). Computers are connected to a common shared called bus topology. 10- A local area network (LAN) connects computers that are located at a greater distance from one another (False). A Wide area network (WAN) connects computers that are located at a greater distance from one another. 11- The speed of the central processing unit (CPU) is measured by Gigabytes(False). The speed of the central processing unit (CPU) is measured by Giga HZ or Mega HZ. 12- The computers in your office building are connected together so staff can share files and printer. This arrangement of computer called the world wide wed (False). The computers in your office building are connected together so staff can share files and printer. This arrangement of computer called the LAN. 13- The device that links computers to telephone networks by converting digital and analog signals is called translator unit( False). The device that links computers to telephone networks by converting digital and analog signals is called modem.
14- An example of an operating system is PowerPoint (False). An example of an operating system is Windows ,Linux,Uniex,Mac. 15- Increasing the size of ROM would improve computer performance(False). Increasing the size of RAM would improve computer performance. 16- The scanner is a device which can be used as an input and output device(False). The scanner is a device which can be used as an input only. 17- A spreadsheet application is an example of hardware (False). A spreadsheet application is an example of software.
Q3)Choose the correct answer: 1- Which one of the following types of software would you most likely use to create a Letter ? a) Web browsing. B)Word processing software c)Spreadsheet software d) Accounting software 2- Which two of these are operating system? a)Linux b)Internet Explorer c)Mac OS d) Outlook 3- What is meaning of the letter “e” in the word e-mail? a)Express b)Electric c)Electronic d)Efficient 4- Which one of the following statement is true about ROM ? a)It is wiped clean when you switch off the computer. b)It stores the computer operating system. c) It cannot be modified by the user. d)It is located from your hard disk when you switch on the computer. 5- Which one of these is the type of network that links computers in a single site or location? a) LAN b)Internet c)PSTN d) WAN
6- Which one of the following is an example of hardware? a)An antivirus program b)A spreadsheet application. c) A mouse d)The world wide web 7- Which one of the following would improve computer performance? a)Using a larger monitor. b)Increasing the size of RAM c)Increasing the number of applications running d)Using a faster printer 8- Which one of the following is not a function of the CPU? a)Executing program instructions. b)Ensuring program instructions are executed in the correct sequence. c) Sending e-mail d) Carrying out calculations 9- The device that links computers to telephone networks by converting digital and analog signals is called ? a) Transcoder b) digitiser c)modem d)Translator unit