Maps and Globes Quiz
Word Bank #1 Physical Feature Physical Map 3. Lanform 4. Great Plains
Physical Feature Definition: The landforms, bodies of water, climate, natural vegetation, and soil of the earth that are created by nature and make a place unique.
Physical Map Definition: A map that shows the location of physical features, such as landforms, bodies of water, or resources.
Landform Definition: A feature on the surface of the earth.
Word Bank #2 Physical Feature Physical Map 3. Lanform 4. Great Plains
Great Plains Definition: In geography, a plain is land with relatively low relief (elevation), that is flat or gently rolling. Prairies and steppes are types of plains. The Great Plains is a vast region of North America which lies west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains .
Elevation Definition: Elevation is the altitude or height of the land above sea level. Green indicates lowest elevations. Brown indicates highest elevations.
Great Lakes Definition: Five freshwater lakes between the United States and Canada.
Continental Divide Definition: An imaginary line that sits atop a continuous ridge of mountain summits that divide the continent into two main drainage areas.
Great Basin Definition: A basin is a large or small depression in the surface of the land or in the ocean floor. The Great Basin is an area in the western United States (mostly in Nevada and part of California, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah) where rivers and lakes have no outlet to the ocean.
Death Valley Definition: Death Valley is a desert valley located in Eastern California. Situated within the Mojave Desert, it features the lowest, driest, and hottest locations in North America.
St. Lawrence River Definition: Links the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean (490 N, 670 W)
Atlantic Coastal Plain Definition: The Atlantic Coastal Plain is the area of the southern and southeastern U.S extends to the continental shelf and is generally characterized by level (flat) land with assorted mixed forests. The coastal areas include bayous, deltas, marshes, mud flats and swamps.
Political Map Definition: A map that shows boundaries of cities, states, and countries.
Coastal Plain Definition: A coastal plain is a flat, level area of land near an ocean.
Map Symbol Definition: A map symbol is something used to represent something else.
Gulf of Mexico Definition: A gulf is a portion of an ocean or sea partly that is enclosed by land. The Gulf of Mexico is part of the Atlantic Ocean that is bordered by the southeast coast of the United States and the east coast of Mexico.
Map Legend or Map Key Definition: A part of the map that explains any symbols or colors on a map. A map legend may also be referred to as a map key.
Location Definition: A word used to identify a point or an area on the earth’s surface or elsewhere. A synonym for location is place.
Compass Rose Definition: A part of the map that shows the cardinal (N, S, E, W) and intermediate (NE, SE, SW, NW) directions.
Equator Definition: The imaginary line around the middle of the earth. It is 00 latitude.
Latitude Definition: An imaginary horizontal line that measures the distance, north or south, in degrees from the equator (00). These lines are often referred to as parallels. .
Longitude Definition: An imaginary vertical line that measures the distance, east or west, in degrees from the Prime Meridian (00). These lines are often referred to as meridians. .
Map Scale Definition: A part of a map that compares distance on a map to distance in the real world.
Prime Meridian Definition: The line of longitude located at zero degrees (00).