Lottery Speaker: Tsung-Yi Wu
Architecture 4 LEDs STOP Switch RESET Switch
How to Play Setup Play Switch RESET on Switch RESET off Guess 4 digits Switch STOP off Switch STOP on
RTL Code proc module proc (reset,clk,led,stop,inc); input clk,reset,stop; input[9:0] inc; output[6:0] led; reg[6:0] led; reg[9:0] q; reg[22:0] cnt; always @(posedge reset or posedge clk) if (reset) begin cnt=0; q=10'b0000000001; end else begin if (stop) cnt = cnt+inc; if (cnt[22]==1) begin q={q[8:0],q[9]}; cnt = 0;
RTL Code proc always @(q) begin led=7'b1111111; if (q[9]==1) led=7'b0000100; if (q[8]==1) led=7'b0000000; if (q[7]==1) led=7'b0001111; if (q[6]==1) led=7'b0100000; if (q[5]==1) led=7'b0100100; if (q[4]==1) led=7'b1001100; if (q[3]==1) led=7'b0000110; if (q[2]==1) led=7'b0000110; if (q[1]==1) led=7'b1001111; if (q[0]==1) led=7'b0000001; end endmodule
RTL Code top module top (reset,clk,led,stop,an3,an2,an1,an0); input clk,reset,stop; output[6:0] led; wire[6:0] tled0,tled1,tled2,tled3,t1,t2,t3; output an3,an2,an1,an0; reg[10:0] cnt; reg tmp,an3,an2,an1,an0; assign led = (an3==0) ? tled3 : t1; assign t1 = (an2==0) ? tled2 : t2; assign t2 = (an1==0) ? tled1 : t3; assign t3 = (an0==0) ? tled0 : 7'b0000000;
RTL Code top always @(posedge reset or posedge clk) if (reset) begin an3=0; an2=1; an1=1; an0=1; end else begin cnt = cnt+1; if (cnt==0) begin tmp = an0; an0 = an1; an1 = an2; an2 = an3; an3 = tmp;
RTL Code top proc x0 (reset,clk,tled0,stop,10'd7); endmodule
Lab Debug Write Testbench Write UCF Programming FPGA Bonus Follow the procedures described in “How to Play” slide. Write UCF Programming FPGA Bonus Rewrite de-bouncing function
Appendix Four-Digit, Seven-Segment LED Display
Appendix Controlling Way