Maria Hayfron-Benjamin Medicine in Society Maria Hayfron-Benjamin
Aims of workshop Review current days Identify areas of strength and weakness in current offering Discuss opportunities and threats Develop ideas for 2 new GEP MedSoc days.
Rationale for change GEP timetable has changed – 4 more Thursdays available and HD has moved. Increased emphasis on professionalism and resilience Malta course Developments in the MBBS programme Changes in primary care Need a new theme for GEP MedSoc ? Introduce to Year 1 and Malta in 2018/19
Current Themes – MedSoc 1 Introduction to the placement Doctor patient relationship Social issues in primary care The older patient Chronic pain Respiratory medicine Diabetes Gastrointestinal conditions Mobility and Stroke Mental health and addiction Pregnancy and childbirth Mother and baby
Current Themes - GEP MedSoc Social issue in primary care Back pain and other chronic pain Stroke Mental Health Addiction Coronary heart disease Respiratory disease Diabetes Nutrition and GI disorders The older person Pregnancy and childbirth The young child
SWOT analysis Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats