Partner Program Platform Training Partner Self Service How to Manage Program Contacts in Partner Self Service January 2013
Partner Self Service (PSS) Helps You Manage Contacts
Why Manage Program Contacts in Partner Self Service? Gives Cisco the correct Payment Contact for your company Lets Global EasyPay send Payment Claim Notices and Payment Status Updates to the correct recipient Migrates the payment contact responsibilities from your PSS Administrator to a Payment Administrator familiar with the payment process Empowers the Payment Administrator to manage all Program Contacts Enables you to set up unique payment contacts by rebate program and geography Why Manage Program Contacts in Partner Self Service?
Partner Self Service (PSS) Helps You Manage Contacts What Program Contact Roles Does My Company Need to Assign? How do I Become a Program Contact? How Can Partner Administrators and Payment Administrators Manage Program Contacts? Partner Self Service (PSS) Helps You Manage Contacts 1 2 3
Roles – Overview Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact There are four roles: Click a role to learn about it, or just go to the next slide. Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact Program Coordinator
Roles – Payment administrator There are four roles: Click a role to learn about it, or just go to the next slide. Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact Program Coordinator Payment Administrator The Payment Administrator manages payment contact information. (This task used to be handled by designated partner PSS Administrators.) Your company must have one (1) Payment Administrator. You may have additional Payment Administrators.
Roles – Rebate coordinator There are four roles: Click a role to learn about it, or just go to the next slide. Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact Program Coordinator Rebate Coordinator The Rebate Coordinator will receive the GEP email with the unique security PIN to claim the program payment. You must assign one (1). You may have no more than two (2).
Roles – Copy contacts Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator There are four roles: Click a role to learn about it, or just go to the next slide. Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact Program Coordinator Copy Contacts There may be up to three (3) Copy Contacts assigned. You are not required to have any. Copy Contacts will receive GEP emails indicating the GEP payment progress.
Roles – Program coordinator There are four roles: Click a role to learn about it, or just go to the next slide. Payment Administrator Rebate Coordinator Copy Contact Program Coordinator Program Coordinator You may assign one (1) Program Coordinator for program communications. This role only pertains to the Cisco Services Partner Program (CSPP). Refer to the CSPP program manager for more information for this role.
How do I Become a Program Contact?
1 2 3 Becoming any sort of Program Contact requires: How do I obtain credentials to access Cisco tools and services? How do I become a PSS user? How can I become an Accountable Program Contact? Becoming any sort of Program Contact requires: A Cisco Connected On-line Account (CCO) to let you access Cisco services and tools Specific access to PSS Designation as an Accountable Program Contact 1 2 3
How do I access Cisco tools? Before you can become a Program Contact, you need to be able to access the Partner Self- Service (PSS) tool. The first time you try to access PSS, you may find that you are not able to. In order to use PSS, you need to perform two steps. Use the buttons to the right to choose a step, or just move on to the next slide. Step 1 Get a CCO ID Step 2 Request access to PSS If needed Find out who my PSS Administrator is Skip this section and move on to Using PSS
Obtaining a CCO ID Your CCO ID is your Cisco account. It allows you to access Cisco applications like email and websites. To get a CCO ID: Click the image to the right, or this link. Fill out the form, paying special attention to the required fields. Click Submit. Follow the instructions you receive by email afterwards. 1 2 3 Now what? Request access to PSS Who is my PSS Admin? Skip to Using PSS
How do I request access to PSS? The first time you access the Partner Self-Service (PSS) tool, you are probably not registered and associated with an existing partner. You may need to change your language in PSS. Click the Change Language link if needed. If you are not associated with a partner you will see a message that reminds you that you are not associated with a Cisco Partner company. In this case, do the following: (continued)
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Log in to PSS using the CCO ID you received in your introductory email.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) You will see two links (shown to the right). Click the first one, Associate your ID with a Cisco Partner.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Identify your geography. Find your country in the menu and click on it.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Identify your company.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Select the company name and geography that best matches the values you provided in the previous two steps. Click Next.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) PSS will find all locations that match the information you confirmed in step 5. Choose the address that reflects your office or location. Click Select.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Fill in your personal information to associate yourself with the partner you identified in the previous steps.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) Make sure to scroll down to find all required fields. Click Submit.
How do I request access to PSS? (continued) You will see this confirmation screen. It informs you that your Partner Administrator has received your request. Once your Partner Administrator approves your request, you will be able to log into PSS and complete your assignment tasks. Note the approving Administrator(s) to follow up on your requests. 1 2 Now what? Who is my PSS Admin? Skip to Using PSS
How do I contact my PSS Administrator? If you are trying to become a Payment Administrator or other user of PSS for a Cisco partner, it may be helpful to find out who the existing PSS Administrator is. You may need to change your language in PSS. Click the Change Language link if needed. Use the following procedure to identify your current PSS Administrator. (continued)
How do I contact my PSS Administrator? (continued) Log in to PSS using the CCO ID you received in your introductory email.
How do I contact my PSS Administrator? (continued) In the main screen, click on View Profile next to your name.
How do I contact my PSS Administrator? (continued) In the Profile dialog box that appears, look for the Administrators for your Company section on the right. Click on any administrator’s name to send an email.
How do I contact my PSS Administrator? (continued) Compose an email to your PSS Administrator and send it. Your email program should look similar to the image on the right, giving you an opportunity to contact your PSS Administrator.
How to use PSS to Manage Accountable Contacts
PSS Lets You Manage Contacts The Partner Self-Service (PSS) tool enables you to manage Payment Administrator contacts for Channel Partner program payment receipt and notification. Use this section to learn how to view, add, delete, and edit contact information. These tasks can be performed by anyone registered as a PSS Administrator or Payment Administrator. PSS Lets You Manage Contacts
Managing contacts in PSS To manage Program Contacts in PSS: Log in to PSS as you normally do, using your user name and password. From the Choose a Task dropdown select Manage Program Contacts. On the next slide, we will introduce the four tasks contact managers (administrators) perform.
PSS Lets You Manage Contacts How do I view an Accountable Contact? How do I edit an Accountable Contact? How do I add an Accountable Contact? How do I delete an Accountable Contact? 1 PSS Lets You Manage Contacts 2 3 4
How do I view Accountable Contacts? After logging in and identifying Manage Program Contacts as your task, perform the following steps to view Accountable Contacts: Select the Country (or Country Group) for which you wish to review contacts (continued)
How do I view Accountable Contacts? Review the assigned contacts. Confirm that their role, function, and email contact information is properly identified.
How do I edit an Accountable Contact? Editing a contact is the same as: Delete a contact. Add a new contact. Click the numbers to the right to review the instructions for each step. NOTE: You will need to remember whatever contact information you want to retain from the contact you are about to delete. Be sure to record it so you can enter it for the new contact. 1 How do I delete an Accountable Contact? How do I add an Accountable Contact? 2
How do I add Accountable Contacts? The process for adding Accountable Contacts is shown on the next slides. Two examples will be shown: How to add a generic Accountable Contact. How to add a Payment Administrator. The steps for both are very similar. Choice 1 How to add any type of Accountable Contact Choice 2 How to add a Payment Administrator Skip this section and move on to Deleting Contacts
To Add An Accountable Contact (1 of 9) Visit the Partner Self Service tool in your browser by going to From the Choose a Task dropdown select Manage Program Contacts. (continued)
To Add An Accountable Contact (2 of 9) (continued) Select your company from the list by choosing the appropriate radio button. If there is more than one entry, select the one that best describes your geography or location. Click Select.
To Add An Accountable Contact (3 of 9) (continued) This will get you to the Accountable Contacts tab.
To Add An Accountable Contact (4 of 9) (continued) Scroll down. Click the Search button to find a possible contact associated with your company.
To Add An Accountable Contact (5 of 9) (continued) Enter the name or ID to search for. If you only know part, you can choose which field to populate. Click the Search button.
To Add An Accountable Contact (6 of 9) (continued) Choose the appropriate person by selecting the radio button associated with them. Click the Select button.
To Add An Accountable Contact (7 of 9) (continued) Choose which role this person will fill by selecting it from the Role dropdown menu.
To Add An Accountable Contact (8 of 9) (continued) Check the programs you want to associate with this contact. Click Add.
To Add An Accountable Contact (9 of 9) (continued) Confirm that the contact was added in the chosen role for the identified program or programs. The added contact will now be able to receive payment claim emails and status updates for the selected programs. On the next slides, we will find out how to use the same procedure to add a Payment Administrator.
To Add a Payment Administrator (1 of 4) To add a new Payment Administrator, follow the steps as in the previous procedure up to this point. Select the user you wish to assign as a Payment Administrator by choosing the associated radio button. (continued)
To Add a Payment Administrator (2 of 4) (continued) Choose Payment Administrator from the Role dropdown menu.
To Add a Payment Administrator (3 of 4) (continued) Choose Program from the Function dropdown menu. Click Add.
To Add a Payment Administrator (4 of 4) (continued) Confirm that the selected contact has been added as a Payment Administrator. The Payment Administrator is now authorized to manage other payment contact information for his/her country or region.
To Delete an Accountable Contact (1 of 3) To delete a contact from an assigned role: Follow the procedure described earlier to enter PSS. Click the Delete button next to the contact and role you would like to eliminate. (continued)
To Delete an Accountable Contact (2 of 3) (continued) Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes in the popup box.
To Delete an Accountable Contact (3 of 3) (continued) Note that the person in that role has been eliminated from the list and no longer has the permission to perform tasks associated with that role.
This concludes the Global EasyPay Partner Self-Service (PSS) training module. You learned how to: Obtain access to Cisco tools Register in PSS Contact your current Payment Administrator Identify yourself as a Payment Contact or Administrator Manage other contacts Congratulations! If you would like to review any steps, please use the numbered buttons to the right. What Program Contact Roles Does My Company Need to Assign? How do I Become a Program Contact? How Can Partner Administrators and Payment Administrators Manage Program Contacts? 1 2 3