Purpose To encourage and motivate employees in adopting a lifestyle that improves their overall health, fitness and well-being.
Participation Incentives Two ways to earn wellness leave : Exercise Health Risk Assessment (HRA) & Routine Physical Examination
Exercise Should be used in one block of 30 minutes 30 minutes 3 times a week – must be combined with the employees lunch hour Should be used in one block of 30 minutes Is not cumulative and may not be carried over
Annual Health Review Routine physical examination once every fiscal year HRA can be completed from BC/BS, Scott & White or other HMOs website Receive eight hours of wellness leave and must be used in the same fiscal year.
Providers and Services Fitness Professionals Health Educators Professional Counselors through EAP College Students in Health Programs under faculty supervision
Communication Wellness Policy and Procedures Wellness Website Wellness Forms Health Fairs Employee Surveys Human Resources Offices across the state Wellness Committee (under construction) Brown Bag Presentation Posters / Flyers Email
Solutions to Roadblocks Budget Restraints Logistics Management Support Tracking Employees Time Budget Restraints ** Provide education and exercise programs that are at no cost to the agency or low cost to the employee Logistics-**Work with facility mgt. to ensure space availability for Wellness Programs Management Support**- Education supervisors on how wellness programs can improve productivity, educate on use of how they can implement the program at there location.
Resources http://www.wellness.state.tx.us In 2007 (80th Legislature) the State Employee Health and Fitness Act of 1983 (Act of 1983) was amended by HB 1297. Texas Government Code, Chapter 664, State Employees Health Fitness and Education Working Well Planning Guide Book- Agri Life Extension http://www.wellness.state.tx.us Other State Agencies Budget Restraints ** Provide education and exercise programs that are at no cost to the agency or low cost to the employee Logistics-**Work with facility mgt. to ensure space availability for Wellness Programs Management Support**- Education supervisors on how wellness programs can improve productivity, educate on use of how they can implement the program at there location.
Contact Stephanie Baggett, PHR Phone 512-486-5369 Email stephanie Contact Stephanie Baggett, PHR Phone 512-486-5369 Email stephanie.baggett@txdot.gov