European Expansion
Strong European nations established colonies. What were colonies? Colonies were settlements in new territories that kept close ties with the homeland. What was the homeland?
Why would nations establish colonies? A nation with colonies appeared to have power. Colonies could bring wealth to a nation. Colonies provided the opportunity to spread a nation’s religion. Colonies provided a new place for settlement.
Spanish Colonies
Spain as a world power Spain controlled much of South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Why was Spain able to claim so much land? How did the Spanish impose their will on the natives? How would gunpowder play a role in building an empire? Who were the conquistadores? How about diseases?
The Spanish Empire
England seeks wealth England became Spain’s enemy when England broke from the Catholic Church. English “privateers” raided Spanish treasure ships. The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England. The English were better sailors and won.
England becomes powerful Defeating the Spanish Armada meant the English could stand up to any nation. England began colonizing the New World.
English Colonies
English Colonies List reasons why the English established colonies.
French Colonization
French Colonies Why were French colonies established?
Plantation Colonies Plantation colonies were established in areas with warm climates and long growing seasons. Slave labor was used to produce cash crops. Cash crops: a crop which is grown for money Examples of cash crops: sugar cane, rice, coffee, and tobacco
Plantation Colonies Native Americans were first used as slaves. Africans were later brought to the New World as slaves. Why do you think Europeans would stop using Native Americans as slaves?
Plantation Colonies Sometimes, the British and the French used indentured servants on plantations. Indentured servants worked to pay off debts or the costs of traveling to the New World. Some indentured servants were convicted of a crime, and sent to the Americas to pay their debt to society. Georgia and Australia were partially colonized in this fashion.
Plantation Colonies
Gold and Silver Gold and silver were found in many Spanish and Portuguese colonies. These colonies developed mining and trade. Mining utilized slave labor.
Trading Post Colonies Trading post colonies were established to trade with natives. Europeans would often trade for furs and fish in North America.
Trading Post Colonies
Trading Post Colonies The Dutch attempted to establish trading post colonies in South America. Only one was successful (Suriname).
Settler Colony Settler colonies were used as claims on land. These colonies also presented opportunities for people to own land. Some settler colonies were established for people to have freedom to worship.
Settler Colonies Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. After Jamestown became successful, the Pilgrims established a colony for religious freedom in Massachusetts.
Settler Colony
Europeans in the Americas Europeans brought their political systems to the New World. Spain and Portugal had strong monarchies, so they appointed viceroys to control the colonies. France and the Netherlands allowed colonists to make many decisions. English colonies had representative governments where people were elected to make decisions.
How did European scientific and technological innovations lead to domination over other nations?
Europeans in Asia Some Asian civilizations were modern and had strong militaries. Europeans treated these Asians more as equals, and they had equal trade relationships. There were less colonies in Asia than the New World.
Trade in Asia Europeans were allowed to have trading posts in Asian port cities. A new merchant class emerged in Asia. Trade opened the door for European ideas in Asia.
Spread of Christianity Christian missionaries travelled with European merchants. Many Asian governments limited or closed trade due to the influence of missionaries. Why do you think they did not like missionaries?