FOSS Diversity of Life Ms. Longo 7th Grade Life Science
Do Now Take out your notebook What standards are we working on? Try to find them on your standards page This page should be attached into your NB 2 pages before the index The syllabus should be attached before the index
Expectations Be prepared for class when bell rings Listen and follow directions Open notebooks and begin Do Now as soon as you enter the room Raise your hand to speak Be respectful of all life SHARE OUR GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS!!! Find out their goals and questions using sticky notes
FOSS Diversity of Life
Investigation 1: What is Life? Over the next several weeks we will be studying life. We will try to figure out how living things are similar to each other and how they are different from each other. We will study the characteristics of living things that separate them from things that are nonliving. What is Life? engages students in thinking about characteristics and requirements that are common to all living organisms.
11/2 Agenda Living/Nonliving Card Sort Activity 5 Materials Investigation NB sheet 2
Announcements Tuesday is a minimum (early dismissal) day Saturday School this Saturday 11/7 Bring colored pencils to class tomorrow Student of the Month awards Tutoring/Makeups on Thursday after school
NGSS: MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
CCSS: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6–8.7 , WHST.6–8.9 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking
Investigation 1, Part 1 Focus Question Investigation 1, Part 1 How do you know if something is living? Do on index card. Show how to leave space in notebook to return to it later. 1.1, Step 2
Investigation 1, Part 2 Focus Question Investigation 1, Part 2 How do you know if something is living? 1.2, Step 2
Lab Rules Obey safety rules Talking is restricted to the activity Do not mix the samples Do not touch them with your fingers Do not put materials in your mouth Talking is restricted to the activity Students who are off task, or talking socially will be removed from the activity and receive a phone call home, and detention
Investigation 1, Part 2 Get: One set of five bags Two hand lenses for each group Four copies of Notebook sheet 2 Think and discuss in your groups: Are any of these materials living? What can we do to get more info to determine if any are living? 1.2, Steps 4-6
NB Sheet 2, 5 Materials Observation Include an illustration and approx size 1.2, Step 7
5 Materials Observation Each group will provide one of 3 possible liquid environments for the 5 materials Liquid 1-Groups 1,2,3 Liquid 2-Groups 4,5,6 Liquid 3-Groups 7,8 Write down your liquid number on the NB sheet
5 Materials Observation Follow directions on Is Anything Alive in Here? sheet Part 1: Get: 5 vials with caps 1 vial holder 6 labels 1 cotton ball
Do Now Take out your notebook 3rd seat group member: Get vial set for your group when everyone arrives Be prepared to answer: Do you notice any changes in the vials today? Do you see evidence of life in any of the vials? Which ones?
11/3 Agenda 5 Materials Investigation continued NB sheet 2
Announcements Today is a minimum (early dismissal) day Saturday School this Saturday 11/7 Tutoring/Makeups on Thursday after school
NGSS: MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
CCSS: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6–8.7 , WHST.6–8.9 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking
Is Anything Alive in Here? -Assigned liquids: 1,2,3 -Set up vials -Add your liquid -Add the materials -Cap and place vial in holder -Observe changes after 10 min. 1: TABLES 1-3 2: TABLES 4-6 3: TABLES 7-10 1.2, Steps 8–14
5 Materials Observation Follow directions on Is Anything Alive in Here? sheet Part 2: Go to correct liquid station and follow directions carefully Part 3: Back at desks, follow directions carefully While waiting for 10 minutes: Add drawings to first observations. Return materials when done, and clean up.
Is Anything Alive in Here? – 10 min. later 1.2, Step 14
5 Materials Observation After 10 minutes: Describe changes If no change, record “No change”, do not leave blank Add drawings to observations. Return materials when done, and clean up.
11/4 Agenda 5 Materials Investigation continued NB sheet 3
Do Now Take out your notebook Outside seat group member: Get vial set for your group when everyone arrives Be prepared to answer: Do you notice any changes in the vials today? Do you see evidence of life in any of the vials? Which ones?
Announcements Saturday School this Saturday 11/7 Tutoring/Makeups on Thursday after school
NGSS: MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
CCSS: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6–8.7 , WHST.6–8.9 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking
Is Anything Alive in Here? – 24 hours later 1.2, Step 14
5 Materials Observation Record observations of all materials Record drawings
Is Anything Alive in Here? – 24 hours later Liquid 2 is sugar and water. The sugar was added to provide food in case any of the materials was alive and needed sugar as food. Did any of the vials with the sugar water provide any interesting results?
Is Anything Alive in Here? – 24 hours later Material B is yeast, like the yeast used to make bread. Yeast consumes sugar and gives off carbon dioxide gas as waste. The bubbling and popping of the cap are the result of this process going on in the vial. Needing food and giving off waste are evidence of life. Is there any other evidence that yeast is alive?
FOSSweb Video 1.1, Step 5
Characteristics of Organisms Organism – Any free-living thing – plant, animal, or other. Is everything on this list a characteristic or requirement of all organisms? Are there other characteristics of organisms that we need to add to this list? 1.1, Step 15
Minihabitats Habitat – a place where an organism naturally lives. 1.1, Step 16
Vocabulary Index Divide several pages into “boxes” to record vocabulary words and page references. Add vocabulary to your index during NB maintenance/Do Now time Finally, we’ll set up a vocabulary index in the back of your notebooks 1.1, Step 20
Notebook Maintenance Add items to Table of Contents Add vocabulary to Index
11/5 Agenda 5 Materials Investigation continued NB sheet 3 Microscope Introduction
Announcements Exploring Your Universe science festival at UCLA Nov.8 Sunday, free event Saturday School this Saturday 11/7 Tutoring/Makeups on Thursday after school
NGSS: MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
CCSS: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6–8.7 , WHST.6–8.9 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking
Do Now Take out your notebook Do not paste NB sheet 3 into your NB Write your name on the BACK Copy the information from the board onto your NB sheet 3
NB Sheet 3, Life in Different Environments Liquid 1: Salt water Liquid 2: Sugar water Liquid 3: Plain water A: Red sand B: Yeast C: Polyacrylate crystals D: Radish seeds E: Brine shrimp eggs > What evidence of life do you observe? 1.2, Steps 21–22
NB Sheet 3, Life in Different Environments They grow. They stain the water They move around. Attracted to the light, reproduces, responds to the environment, needs water Gas. Makes waste. Needs food. Grows. Responds to environment. Growth. Growth, needs food, responds to its environment Growth. Growth, responds to its environment 1.2, Steps 21–22
Vocabulary From student/class verbiage: From IG verbiage: 1.2, Step 26
Is Anything Alive in Here? – 48 hours later… 1.2, Step 20
Investigation 1, Part 2 Discuss in your groups: How many of the materials appeared to be alive when you first observed them in the bags? How many of the materials appear to be alive now, 2 days after they were placed in the vials with the liquids? How does environment affect organisms? 1.2, Steps 23–25
Investigation 1, Part 2 Revisit the Focus Question How do you know if something is living? Quick Write return - put in NB. Draw a Line of Learning and write your best response based on what you have learned. 1.2, Step 31
Investigation 1, Part 2 1. 3. Added: I learned that sometimes organisms may look like they aren’t living but really are when put in a suitable environment – dormant organisms. You know if something is living if it meets all the characteristics and requirements to be an organism. First of all it has to be able to consume nutrients. All living organisms also need water, if it does not it isn’t an organism. They need energy to live…… 2. 1.2, Step 31
Investigation 2: The Microscope Sample storyline The Microscope acquaints students with the microscope as a tool used to study organisms in detail.
NGSS: MS-LS1-1 Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
CCSS: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6–8.7 , WHST.6–8.9 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking
Announcements Exploring Your Universe science festival at UCLA Nov.8 Sunday, free event Saturday School this Saturday 11/7 Tutoring/Makeups on Thursday after school
Do Now Take out your notebook Be prepared to answer the following questions Since the yeast and brine shrimp were very small, what would be a good way to study tiny organisms like these?
11/5 Agenda Microscope lab-Making a Wet Mount Slide NB sheet 4, 5
Investigation 2, Part 1 Focus Question Investigation 2, Part 1 How do objects appear when they are viewed through a microscope? Write the question on a new page, with the date Do not answer now Add FQ 2.1 to your Table of Contents 2.1, Step 2
The Microscope Resources available on FOSSweb. Text p. 69 2.1, Steps 3-4
NB sheet 4,5 Attach these sheets to your Notebook on the next available opposite blank pages
NB Sheet 4 You will label these parts after you learn how to use them. You can also find them on p.69 of your text. Label the arm and base of the microscope now.
Groups Groups of 4
Microscope Kits Treat the glass slides and coverslips with care. Let the teacher know if you have any broken glass immediately. Water droppers bottles must only be used according to the directions. Lens paper is used to clean the microscope lenses only, not the slides.
Making A Wet Mount 2.1, Step 6
Making A Wet Mount Place the piece of the picture in the center of the slide. Place a drop of water on the paper. Carefully place a coverslip on top and soak up any extra water from the edges, using the blotter paper (paper towel). Draw your observations on NB sheet #5.