Figure 5.1 Cell cycles of somatic cells and early blastomeres (Part 1) DevBio9e-Fig-05-01-1R.jpg
Figure 5.1 Cell cycles of somatic cells and early blastomeres (Part 2) DevBio9e-Fig-05-01-2R.jpg
Figure 5.2 Role of microtubules and microfilaments in cell division DevBio9e-Fig-05-02-0.jpg
Figure 5.3 Summary of the main patterns of cleavage (Part 1) DevBio9e-Fig-05-03-1R.jpg
Figure 5.3 Summary of the main patterns of cleavage (Part 2) DevBio9e-Fig-05-03-2R.jpg
Figure 5.4 Types of cell movements during gastrulation (Part 1) The Cells are given new position and new neighbors, and Multilayered body plan of organism are established Cell movement: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm formation DevBio9e-Fig-05-04-1R.jpg
Figure 5.4 Types of cell movements during gastrulation (Part 2) DevBio9e-Fig-05-04-2R.jpg
Figure 5.5 Axes of a bilaterally symmetrical animal DevBio9e-Fig-05-05-0.jpg
Figure 5.6 Cleavage in the sea urchin (Part 1) DevBio9e-Fig-05-06-1R.jpg Unequal equatorial cleavage
Figure 5.7 Micrographs of cleavage in live embryos of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus, seen from the side DevBio9e-Fig-05-07-0.jpg Vegetal plate
Figure 5.14 Normal sea urchin development, following the fate of the cellular layers of the blastula DevBio9e-Fig-05-14-0.jpg
Figure 5.8 Fate map and cell lineage of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus DevBio9e-Fig-05-08-0.jpg
Figure 5.9 Ability of micromeres to induce presumptive ectodermal cells to acquire other fates DevBio9e-Fig-05-09-0.jpg
Figure 5.10 Ability of micromeres to induce a secondary axis in sea urchin embryos autonomous specification Paracrine production to specify the neighboring cells DevBio9e-Fig-05-10-0.jpg
Figure 5.11 Role of Disheveled and -catenin proteins in specifying the vegetal cells of the sea urchin embryo (Part 1) DevBio9e-Fig-05-11-1R.jpg
The Wnt signal transduction pathways (Part 1) – Canonical Wnt pathway devbio8e-fig-06-20-1.jpg
Figure 5.11 Role of Disheveled and -catenin proteins in specifying the vegetal cells of the sea urchin embryo (Part 2) LiCl treatment Animal cells become specified as Endoderm & mesoderm formation DevBio9e-Fig-05-11-2R.jpg Inhibition of b-Cat transportation into nuclei Ciliated ectodermal cells
double-negative gated “circuit” Figure 5.12 Simplified, double-negative gated “circuit” for micromere specification double-negative gated “circuit” DevBio9e-Fig-05-12-0.jpg
Figure 5.13 “Logic circuits” for gene expression double-negative gated “circuit” Feedforward circuit DevBio9e-Fig-05-13-0.jpg
Figure 5.14 Normal sea urchin development, following the fate of the cellular layers of the blastula DevBio9e-Fig-05-14-0.jpg
Figure 5.16 Ingression of skeletogenic mesenchyme cells DevBio9e-Fig-05-16-0.jpg
Figure 5.17 Formation of syncytial cables by skeletogenic mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin DevBio9e-Fig-05-17-0.jpg
Figure 5.18 Localization of skeletogenic mesenchyme cells DevBio9e-Fig-05-18-0.jpg
Figure 5.19 Invagination of the vegetal plate DevBio9e-Fig-05-19-0.jpg
Figure 5.20 Cell rearrangement during extension of the archenteron in sea urchin embryos DevBio9e-Fig-05-20-0.jpg
Figure 5.21 Mid-gastrula stage of Lytechinus pictus, showing filopodial extensions of non-skeletogenic mesenchyme DevBio9e-Fig-05-21-0.jpg
Figure 5.15 Entire sequence of gastrulation in Lytechinus variegatus DevBio9e-Fig-05-15-0.jpg
Figure 5.42 The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Part 1) DevBio9e-Fig-05-42-1R.jpg
Figure 5.42 The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Part 2) DevBio9e-Fig-05-42-2R.jpg
Figure 5.42 The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Part 3) DevBio9e-Fig-05-42-3R.jpg
Figure 5.43 PAR proteins and the establishment of polarity DevBio9e-Fig-05-43-0.jpg
the P-granules: riboneucleopotein complex, Figure 5.44 Segregation of the P-granules into the germ line lineage of the C. elegans embryo the P-granules: riboneucleopotein complex, -RNA helicase, Poly A pol, translational initiation factors -move toward the posterior ends, P lineage blastomere, become germ cells DevBio9e-Fig-05-44-0.jpg
Figure 5.46 Model for specification of the MS blastomere DevBio9e-Fig-05-46-0.jpg
Figure 5.45 Deficiencies of intestine and pharynx in skn-1 mutants of C. elegans DevBio9e-Fig-05-45-0.jpg
Figure 5.47 Cell-cell signaling in the 4-cell embryo of C. elegans If P2 is removed, EMS become two MS cells, no E cells If you reversed the position of Ap and Aba, their fates are similiary reversed Mom-2: Wnt Mom-5: Frizzled Apx-1: Delta Glp-1: Notch DevBio9e-Fig-05-47-0.jpg
Figure 5.48 Gastrulation in C. elegans DevBio9e-Fig-05-48-0.jpg