THE Annotated Bibliography The Annotated Bibliography is the last section of your paper. It immediately follows the Works Cited. The Works Cited entry is cut and pasted above each Annotated Bibliography entry. It is paginated with the rest of the paper.
Creating the Annotated Bibliography Entry Create these four sentences for each AB entry: Sentence 1: Introduce the writer by providing credentials to give credibility and include the author’s main point or thesis. Sentence 2: Identify the medium and genre of the text. For example, is this a book, a scholarly journal article, a government website, a newspaper article or a personal interview? Sentence 3: List the types of evidence used in the text and explain how this evidence supports the thesis or message. For example, does the author use statistics or cite experts in the field? Sentence 4: Identify the audience and purpose of the text.
Sample of an Annotated Bibliography Entry Kotz, Deborah. “Women Sell Their Eggs, So Why Not a Kidney?” Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 5th ed. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage. 2009. 429-430. Print. Deborah Kotz, a senior writer in the Health section of U.S. News & World Report addresses the issue of compensating living organ donors, arguing that donating a kidney is not that much different from women donating their eggs to infertile couples, an act which is often compensated. This article was originally published in the July 28, 2009 issue of U.S. News & World Report. Kotz supports her claim that depending on altruistically motivated organ donors is not enough by referring to experts in the field of psychiatry and bioethics. She is targeting educated readers in an effort to make them more aware of the need to improve the current transplant system.
Prepare four “AB” sentences for the Diane Ravitch article. Sentence 1: Credentials + Thesis Sentence 2: Medium + Genre Sentence 3: Types of Evidence Sentence 4: Audience + Purpose Each group should prepare one set of sentences to share with the class for discussion.
Now, prepare your own “AB”s Prepare an Annotated Bibliography on the Blume or Rose article. Confirm that all four sentences in your “AB” do what they are supposed to do. Compare your “AB” with a partner.