Human Immortality
Abstract What would it be like to live forever? What if you never have to witness your loved ones die from old age? What if you never have to suffer from the effects of the aging process?
Is there a limit to human lifespan or is human immortality possible? Big Question Is there a limit to human lifespan or is human immortality possible? Jeanne Calment (1875-1997)
Theory The genetic clock in healthy somatic cells can become reset via telomerase therapy, eventually resulting in human immortality.
Life Expectancy 13% of population over 65 years old Average life expectancy: 78 years
Telomeres, Telomerase, & Aging Number of times a human cell can divide dictates the length of human lifespan Telomeres, or repetitive DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, protect against damage Telomerase maintains telomere length
Purpose To design prodrug that activates hTERT expression in somatic cells, increasing telomere length and stopping cellular aging while eliminating cancer risk Figure 1: Influence of hTERT expression in cells.
Prodrug Design Controls telomerase activity via inhibition or activation of hTERT expression in both normal and cancerous cells Oral medication More effective, less invasive way to administer drugs
Methods Investigations into the toxicity, potency, and bioavailability of the novel drug candidate Experiments performed in vitro Drug Toxicity Effects on Cancer Cells Potency in Human Somatic Cells
Drug Toxicity Drug introduced into cell lines into three sets of embryonic stem-cell cultures, altering the dosages over different lengths of time Control groups contained stem cells not exposed to the drug Each sample was run through a mass spectrometer, which measured concentrations of the molecules present in culture
Drug Effect on Cancer Cells Figure 2: MTT assay to determine the sensitivity of different cancerous cells to hTERT prodrug.
Drug Potency in Human Somatic Cells Figure 3: Results of potency of hTERT expression in somatic cells.
Results Drug exhibits low toxicity Inhibits hTERT expression in cancer cells Shows strong potency in muscle, bone, and brain cells in vitro
Discussion Current telomerase activators (Ta-65) Social and economic implications Better quality of life Small impact on global population Reduced medical spending Future research Clinical Trials Other areas for telomerase therapy Other current
References Agostara B., Carruba, G. & Usset, A. (2008). The management of cancer in the elderly: targeted therapies in oncology. Immunity & Ageing, 5:16. Ershler, William (2003). Cancer: A Disease of the Elderly. The Journal of Supportive Oncology, 1, 5-10. Shay, J., & Woodring W. (2005). Senescence and immortalization: role of telomeres and telomerase. Carcinogenesis, 26(5):867-874.