March Roundtable Greater Lowell District Jon Dixon Plant Identification March Roundtable Greater Lowell District Jon Dixon
Evergreen Trees – Pines Red Sandy regions Needles in bundles of 2-3 Eastern White Most common in area Needles in bundles of 5 Red Pine White Pine Pitch Sandy and rocky regions Needles in bundles of 3 Pitch Pine
Evergreen Trees – Spruce and Fir Spruce (Red, White, Black) “Square Sharp” needles White Spruce Balsam Fir Balsam Fir “Flat Furry” needles
Evergreen Trees – Cedar/Hemlock Cedar (Eastern Red, Atlantic White) Scale-like leaves Eastern Hemlock Flat needles Needles grow parallel to ground Eastern Red Cedar Atlantic White Cedar Eastern Hemlock
Deciduous Trees – Oaks White Oak Red Oak Black Oak Acorns Leaves red in fall Northern Red and Black have pointy leaves White has rounded leaves Red Oak Black Oak
Deciduous Trees – Beech Serrated leaves “Alternate emergence” Prickly 3-sided nut Leaves may persist into winter
Deciduous Trees – Birch/Aspen Paper birch has whitish bark Yellow birch has gray to yellowish bark Bark peels easily Quaking Aspen Occurs in thickets May be most massive living thing on earth Heart-shaped leaves Smooth bark
Deciduous Trees – Maples Sugar maple leaf on Canadian flag Palmate leaf shapes “Helicopter” seeds Red Maple Sugar Maple
Deciduous Trees – Shagbark Hickory Distinctive bark Edible nut “Pinnately” compound leaves Lanceolate leaflet
Shrubs – Berries Lowbush Blueberry Cranberry Highbush Blackberry Red Raspberry
Shrubs – Sumac “Pinnately” compound leaves 11 – 31 lanceolate leaflets per leaf Staghorn sumac leaves 16” - 24” long Smooth sumac leaves 12” - 18” long
Shrubs -- Rhododendron Evergreen shrub May grow to 33 ft Clusters of white or pinkish flowers
Flowers – Trillium Purple Large-flowered Tri = 3 Three leaves around stem Three petals Perhaps backed by three more petals or leaves
Flowers Queen Anne's Lace Jack-in-the-Pulpit Clover
Northern Pitcher Plant Flowers Black-Eyed Susan Northern Pitcher Plant
Flowers Purple Loosestrife Indian Pipe
Ferns Interrupted Bracken Cinnamon
Poisonous Plants Poison Sumac Poison Ivy Poison Oak Water Hemlock Buttercup Poison Ivy Poison Oak
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