Energy Review
What types of energy sources originate from the sun? Solar CST(Concentrated Solar Electric) Coal Oil Natural Gas Wind Biomass/Biofuel
What is the major source of energy in the United States? Oil 37% Natural Gas 27% Coal 18% Renewable 10% Nuclear 18%
What is a secondary energy source? The heat created from the use of a primary energy source like natural gas?
What is cogeneration? The use of a fuel to create both heat and electricity?
What makes petroleum a good source of energy for transportation? High energy density Clean Burning Its in a liquid state
Natural gas is what chemical? Methane
How do control rods slow the process of as nuclear reaction? As a barrier to absorb excess neutrons.
How does a nuclear reactor work? The splitting of atoms, U 235, to create heat and make steam to turn a turbine.
What are the benefits of nuclear energy? Low carbon emissions
How does a fusion reaction work? Requires extremely high temperatures to force two hydrogen atoms together to form helium.
What are the disadvantages with the surface extraction of coal? Land subsidence and collapse Large pile of tailings Acid runoff into streams
What is a disadvantage to natural gas? The contamination of groundwater due to fracking
Where is nuclear waste stored from the power plants? It is stored at the plant that created it.
What are the three types of biomass used for energy in the world? Wood Charcoal manure
What does the rate of hydroelectric power plant electricity depend on? The flow rate of the water and the vertical distance it falls.
What is the most common form of hydroelectric power? Water impoundment.
What is cellulosic ethanol? Ethanol produced from switchgrass.
Explain passive solar energy. Construction and position of a home to allow heating from the sun Solar ovens
What is the percentage of time a wind turbine operates? 25%
How does a hydrogen fuel cell work? Forces hydrogen through a membrane to release electron s and create electricity. Similar to the way a battery works
What are the disadvantages to liquid biofuels? Lower gas mileage Loss of agricultural land Increase food costs Possible increase in greenhouse gases
Which renewable energy is cost competitive with fossil fuels? Wind
How would you describe a renewable energy resource? Energy that can be sustained and replenished within a generation.
The primary sources of renewable energy in the US are? Biomass and hydroelectricity
What are the environmental impacts of cutting down a forest for fuel? Deforestation and soil erosion Air pollution by the release of particulate matter
What is a flex fuel? Biofuel mixed with gasoline like “E85”
What is the benefit of using petroleum instead of coal for energy? Easier to transport Releases less toxins like heavy metals
What would a homeowner use in the building of their home to utilize passive solar energy? Building a green roof Orientate the house and install windows to maximize heating from the sun?
What is the difference between modern carbons like ethanol from corn compared to fossil carbon like petroleum? Modern carbon is more likely to be carbon neutral and not add to greenhouse gasses.
How can hydroelectric power plants contribute to greenhouse gases? Flooding of forests and grasslands
Which sources of energy use turbines? Wind CST Hydroelectric Nuclear Conventional oil, coal and gas fired power plants.