What is flowchart? Types of flowcharts * Program flowcharts * Work flowcharts Advantages of flowcharts
Flowchart: is a diagrammatic representation Help to find the solution of a problem Provide communication between programmers and business people play a vital role in the programming helpful in understanding the logic of complicated problems
Types of flowcharts Program flowcharts Work flowcharts
Program flowchart: represents, in detail, the various steps to be performed within the system for transforming the input into output various steps are logical/ arithmetic operations, algorithms etc. Provide discussions and communication between the system analysts and the programmers
helpful to programmers in organising their programming efforts constitute an important component of documentation for an application.
Program flowcharts symbols:
Work flowcharts: is an essential element of business process management is a term used to describe how work is defined defines the sequence and conditions based upon which work flows
handles the routing of work between resources enables employees to monitor reconfigure the flow of a business process as needed.
Work flowchart symbols:
ADVANTAGES OF USING FLOWCHARTS Communication Effective analysis Proper documentation Efficient Coding Proper Debugging Efficient Program Maintenance
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