Making coffee Start or stop Process Decision Input/output Start Yes Start Put coffee in cup Milk? Drink coffee Stop When green flag clicked Add water No Add milk Start or stop Process Decision Input/output
Input and Output
Say “Hey I didn’t know hippos could fly for 2 seconds Basic Flowchart Start When duck clicked Say “Hey I didn’t know hippos could fly for 2 seconds End
Flowchart symbols Start or stop Input or output Process Decision
When green arrow clicked Play sound Set water level Wait 4 seconds Change water level When red button clicked game over Wait 2 seconds When red button clicked game over
The five W’s The success of a project depends very much on how well you plan it. Ask yourself some questions…. What am I being asked to do? Who is going to be using my end result? Why am I doing this project? When does it need to be completed by? Where do I find the information I need?
The five W’s The success of a project depends very much on how well you plan it. Ask yourself some questions…. What Who Why When Where