National Hydrology Project 07.11.2016, Pune, India National Hydrology Project Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
NHP Journey HP-I (1995-2003) HP-II (2006-2014) NHP 9 States; 6 Central Agencies Manual Data Collection Desktop data management Data collection & management 13 States; 8 Central Ias Real Time Data Acquisition Web-based data management Data Collection, management & analysis Pan-India; 10 Central IAs Standardization of RTDAS as national level Web-based National Database – IndiaWRIS Institutionalization of data collection, management and analysis
Objectives To establish and integrate a country-wide hydromet monitoring network system. To provide upto date and reliable hydromet data to stakeholders To develop systems for improved flood forecasting. To develop tools for improved river basin assessment and planning. Capacity building of the Implementing Agencies Duration: 8 years (2016-24) Budget : ~ 600 Million USD
Implementing Agencies HP2 New Total States 19 18 37 UT 2 Central agencies 6 8 RBO 1 28 21 49 River Basin State map
Better Basin Planning and Operational Decisions in Water Management D. Institutional Capacity Enhancement C: Water Resources Planning & Operation System B: Water Resources Information System Centre of Excellence GIS Layers High Resolution DEM Weather Forecast Generic Hydrological Products Remote Sense Imageries Collaboration with National/ International Institutes DSS for River Basin Planning States-WRIS Maharashtra Karnataka AP Telangana Krishna Basin WRIS Flood management A: Water Data Acquisition System Reservoir Operation Capacity Building Groundwater management Outreach and Awareness Meteorological Monitoring River/Reservoir Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring SCADA for canal/ reservoir Community monitoring/ crowd sourcing State Data Centers Irrigation management
What is new under NHP? Pan India coverage Extension of HP-I & HP-II Standardization of equipment Framework Agreement & standardization of specifications States to design their network in consultation with CWC and CGWB Procurement to be done by Implementing Agencies (IAs) CWPRS to provided technical support to all IAs Basin approach – collaborative modeling Flood forecasting & Inundation Systems River basin assessment and planning (SW & GW) Systems Institutional Strengthening Promoting Centres of Excellence Capacity building of Officers of IAs Learn from failures and build on success of self and others through collaboration
Better Basin Planning and Operational Decisions in Water Management D. Institutional Capacity Enhancement C: Water Resources Planning & Operation System B: Water Resources Information System Centre of Excellence GIS Layers High Resolution DEM Weather Forecast Generic Hydrological Products Remote Sense Imageries Collaboration with National/ International Institutes DSS for River Basin Planning States-WRIS Maharashtra Karnataka AP Telangana Krishna Basin WRIS Flood management A: Water Data Acquisition System Reservoir Operation Capacity Building Groundwater management Outreach and Awareness Meteorological Monitoring River/Reservoir Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring SCADA for canal/ reservoir Community monitoring/ crowd sourcing State Data Centers Irrigation management
Water Resources Data Acquisition System (…so far) Hydro-met equipment & network Experience of HP-I & HP-II What was done? Standardized : Equipment specifications Data collection, storage and dissemination developed software – WISDOM, SWDES, GWDES, GEMS Mixed experience Some manufactures did not provide adequate support The software developed were Hardware and software dependent In HP-II, web based systems for data storage and dissemination e.g. e-SWIS and e-GEMS Data validation was not adequately handled Wide spectrum in States’ response to DSS
Existing Hydro-met stations Water Resources Data Acquisition System (…so far) Existing Hydro-met stations
Water Resources Data Acquisition System
Water Resources Data Acquisition System What is the Mantra for NHP? 'Count what is countable, measure what is measurable. What is not measurable, make measurable..!’ Galileo Way Forward: Framework Agreement Standardisation of specifications Empanelment of equipment To be done atleast once in year Procurement of hydromet equipment will include procurement of equipment, integrator services and data services with a long-term (10 years) commitment
Hydro-met Instruments to be installed under NHP Water Resources Data Acquisition System Hydro-met Instruments to be installed under NHP Automatic Weather Stations Water Level Recorder Water Quality Station River Flow Digital GW Recorder Snow Pillow
NWIC (India-WRIS) Satellite Sensors Cellular Tower Cloud server Satellite Telemetry Satellite Earth Receiving Station Sensors Data Collection Platform (DCP) Manual data entry/SMS based etc. Cellular Tower Feedback in design NWIC (India-WRIS) Cloud server Internet Lease line Internet Lease line State Data Center (State-WRIS) (Local Server with eSWIS and eGEMS software) Spatial & Remote Sensed Information Spatial & Remote Sensed Information
Water Resources Data Acquisition System Type and number of equipment (approx.) Category Type of Station Number Meteorological Rain gauges 2,000 Automatic weather stations 500 Surface water level monitoring Rivers 1,300 Dams/barrages (integrated) 650 Canals 300 SCADA in irrigation systems 50 Total 2,300 Groundwater Groundwater level/flow monitoring 5,000 Water quality sampling Water quality sampling sites 1,700
Better Basin Planning and Operational Decisions in Water Management D. Institutional Capacity Enhancement C: Water Resources Planning & Operation System B: Water Resources Information System Centre of Excellence GIS Layers High Resolution DEM Weather Forecast Generic Hydrological Products Remote Sense Imageries Collaboration with National/ International Institutes DSS for River Basin Planning States-WRIS Maharashtra Karnataka AP Telangana Krishna Basin WRIS Flood management A: Water Data Acquisition System Reservoir Operation Capacity Building Groundwater management Outreach and Awareness Meteorological Monitoring River/Reservoir Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring SCADA for canal/ reservoir Community monitoring/ crowd sourcing State Data Centers Irrigation management
Water Resources Information System National Hydrology Project Database system for entry, storage, validation and visualization National Web-based Platform for data dissemination to wider stakeholders State WRIS Chapter
India-WRIS NWIC MOWR, RD & GR SOI IMD NRSC Elevation Model SOI NWIC Met & Forecast Data IMD Remote Sense Data NRSC River Basin Data Water Resources Agencies and other Water Allied Stakeholders for Application and R&D Ground Water Data Centralized Data India WRIS CGWB River Basin Data River Basin Data Water Quality Data CPCB River Basin Data Training NIH River Basin Data Hydro-met data River Basin Data State WRIS State WRIS State WRIS
Water Resources Information System Water Resources Products in WRIS/SWRIS Access to spatial information including more than 80 layers of IndiaWRIS Real time hydromet and reservoir level data. High Resolution elevation map for India ranging from (0.5 to 3m) Weather forecast (1, 3,5, 7 days and seasonal) Macro Water Resources assessment: Rainfall, ET, Runoff estimate Remote sensing based estimates for India: Snowmelt, real time ET, land use, irrigation benchmarking, Flood forecasting at major stations by CWC
Institutionalization: National Water Informatics Centre Water Resources Information System Institutionalization: National Water Informatics Centre Legal background Section 9A of Interstate River Water Disputes Act, 1956 (IRWD Act) under Article 262 of the Constitution of India “Central Government shall maintain a data bank and information system at national level for each river basin. State governments shall provide all the data regarding water resources, land, agriculture and matters related thereto as requested by the central government”. What is envisaged under NWIC? Welfare is collective..! State and Central organisations to join hands System to work on mutual trust and respect
National Water Informatics Centre Objectives of NWIC To create GIS platform with the participation of all the Implementing Agencies. India-WRIS is envisaged to play the pivotal role. Institutional linkages for sharing of data through web map services/web feature services. Maintenance, updation, and management of national level water resources database and generate new datasets. Dissemination of customized Information and application products for various applications (DSS etc.). Develop platform for web based data processing and services Capacity building activities Collaboration with National and International Institutes
National Water Informatics Centre Vision of NWIC and SWIC Implementing Agencies generate the hydro-meteorological and spatial data, which will be seamlessly integrated in NWIC Information products such as flood forecasts, inundation maps, water resources assessment, IWRM Plan, Evapo-transpiration atlas, ground water management plans, aquifer maps, etc. Data dissemination policy is being made more liberal (…however, need to respect Map Policy of India) Data available basin-wise as well as State-wise Data to be easily and freely shared/access Adequate security protocols and automation
India- Water Resources Information System Key Focus on Integrated Water Database MoWR,RD&GR MI Census, CAD WM Data Services to states/stakeholders/public CGWB eGEMS (GW levels and Quality) Flood Forecast CWC eSWIS (SW Data), India-WRIS, FF, IWRM, Water Quality etc Inundation Map CPCB e-WQIS (Water Quality Data) & Water Quality products Basin wise Water Assessment both SW & GW India-Water Resources Information System (IndiaWRIS) ISRO/NRSC/ Bhuvan (Satellite Imagery, Satellite products and derived Maps) Water Quality Scenario IMD (Meteorological Data and products) Evapo-transpiration Atlas SoI (Maps, Toposheets and DEM/DTM) GLOF MoRD and MoDW&S Snowmelt runoff forecast State-WRIS (State hydro-met and spatial Data) MoA&FW (Schemes) (Agrcultural Product) Environmental Flows Ministry of Power (Milti-purpose Projects) Reservoir Operation Census and Statistics
Better Basin Planning and Operational Decisions in Water Management D. Institutional Capacity Enhancement C: Water Resources Planning & Operation System B: Water Resources Information System Centre of Excellence GIS Layers High Resolution DEM Weather Forecast Generic Hydrological Products Remote Sense Imageries Collaboration with National/ International Institutes DSS for River Basin Planning States-WRIS Maharashtra Karnataka AP Telangana Krishna Basin WRIS Flood management A: Water Data Acquisition System Reservoir Operation Capacity Building Groundwater management Outreach and Awareness Meteorological Monitoring River/Reservoir Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring SCADA for canal/ reservoir Community monitoring/ crowd sourcing State Data Centers Irrigation management
Utilization of Data Generated Database Decision making tools: Basin Planning and Flood Forecasting Decision Making: Better Planning and Operational Decisions in Water Management Improved Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits Communication Framework Modelling & Analysis Scenario Generation Beyond Project Within Project
River Basin Assessment & Planning River Basin Assessment and Planning will be carried out for all 20 River Basin of India MoWR in coordination with CWC, CGWB and Riparian states will develop the Basin Model, while the states will downscale it to their desire planning/ management scale. Focus on standardizing the modelling approach Integration of surface and ground water
Flood forecasting & Reservoir Operation Systems Flood forecasting and early warning system (coupled with weather forecast)- Jointly by CWC and Riparian States for all Major River Basin of India CWC : will centrally coordinate with all IAs for the development of Macro model; States will simultaneously develop for their respective tributaries. Focus on developing national Flood Control Centre 26