Overview and History of the Babis, Azalis, & two Baha’i Groups Steve Morrison and Larry Wessels
Introduction Background on Islam, especially Shi’ite Islam The Bab and his Babis His Seven successors & Violence among them The Baha’u’llah’s claims and problems
Background on Islam Muslims cannot point to any words of Jesus they follow Muslims claim Christianity was corrupted and a new prophet needed. Muslims agree Jesus will return from heaven Muslims deny Jesus died on the cross, rather God miraculously switch another, and Jesus secretly disappeared. Mohammed clearly taught aggressive fighting of unbelievers until they become Muslims or agree to be subject to them and the Jizya tax.
Background on Shi’ite Islam Savage civil war between ‘Ali and Mu’awiyah Martyrdom of Husain at Karbala The corrupt Yezid Shi’ites split at the 7th caliph 12’ers (Ithna Ashariyya) supported Isma’il 7’ers (Ismailis) support the younger brother Musa al-Kazim 12’th imam disappeared, and they anticipate his return as the Mahdi
Shi’ites and the Bab (Gate) ‘Ali was claimed to be the Bab Many other Shi’ites claimed to be the Bab Muhammad ibn Nusayr an-Namiri (c.850 A.D.) ‘Alawites say there were many Babs, the 7th being Saliman al-Farisi, a companion of Mohammed.
Babis Came out of the Shi’ite Shayki movement Sayed Ali Muhammad (aka Mirza Ali Muhammed) of Shiraz, born in 1819/1821, claimed to be the Bab ul-Bab (Gate of gates) as well as the Mahdi in 1844 A.D. He wrote The Book of Bayan.
The Bab Taught Many Things only Figures Resurrection Day of Judgment Paradise Hell The terms have no real meaning apart from his definitions. After death, progress towards perfection is limitless
Other Teachings of the Bab Bayan in 8:14: recite 700 verses of the Bayan every twenty-four hours. (http://bahai-library.com/unpubl.articles/walbridge.panj.html)
Rebellion and Execution Revolt after the Bab’s arrest in Persia. At least 3 battles, thousands of Babis killed. July 9th, 1850 the Bab was executed by the Turkish government In 1852 a Babi tried to assassinate the Shah Baha’is say that both the Bab and Bahu’u’llah were manifestations of God, even though both were alive at the same time!
Seven Successors After the Bab Azalis: a Last Will of the Bab, written a few days before his execution, designated as his successor Subh-i Azal (=Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh/Sobh al-Azal, c.1830-1912. Most Babis followed him. The text and translation of the will is at http://www.beliefnet.com/boards/message_list.asp?discussionID=178496 (11/23/2004). Baha’is: After 13 years, many followed his older half-brother Husayn ‘Ali Nuri Baha’ (1817-1892) Six years later he claimed himself as the Baha’u’llah.
Something Happened For the first thirteen years, the majority of Babis followed Azal. Then the Baha’u’llah started his group, and six years after that the Baha’u’llah claimed he was the promised one. Some Baha’is said the Bab appointing al-Azal as the successor was just a tactic to deflect the government away from Husayn. However, the government exiled both but treated both generously. See http://www.h-net.org/~bahai/arabic/ vol4/niraqi/niraqi.htm
Violence Murdered Azali writer: Mulla Rajab ‘Ali, nicknamed Qahir See www.h-net.org/ ~bahai/arabic/vol4/qahir/qahir.htm. (11/13/2004) Bab taught Jihad was OK The Baha’u’llah rejected Jihad The Baha’u’llah urged violence against their enemies. The government exiled Azalis to Cyprus, and the Baha’i to Acre in Palestine. Followers were supposed to regularly visit them, always bringing gifts. They became very wealthy. Soon a large number of Azali leaders were assassinated. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5111/mirza.html 11/13/2004
See Denis MacEoin, “Divisions and Authority Claims in Babism (1850-1866).” Studia Iranica 18, 1 (1989):93-129 for more on Baha’is and assassinations of Azalis.
Numbers and Persecution Azalis: Only a few thousand today in Iran. Baha’is: 1.3 to 2 million Baha’is in 1991. Many Jews became Baha’is in Iran under the Shah. Many of them were killed under Khomeini. About 100K U.S. Baha’is, in ~1,000 congregations. Many in India
The Baha’u’llah’s Claims In 1863, he claimed to reveal himself as the 12th imam and Christ returned. He is worshipped by Baha’is Wrote the Tablet of Ishraqat, the Tablet of Tarazat, and Book of Aqdas (Lawb-i-Aqdas)
Will the Real Mahdi & Successor Please Stand Up The Baha’u’llah claimed he was the Mahdi too However, the Bab had declared that he was the Mahdi The Bab appointed Subh-i Azal as his successor, not the Baha’ullah. The Bab said a new manifestation would not arrive for 1,000 years, not 19 years. See http://www.geocities.com/Athens/ Acropolis/5111/mirza.html 11/13/2004
The Baha’u’llah’s successors Oldest son ‘Abdu’l-Baha ‘Abbas (=Abbas Effendi) (5/23/1844-1921) took over. His oldest grandson, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (1897-1957) succeeded him. Afterwards, the Baha’is were led by a council called the International House of Justice. However, a group now called the Orthodox Baha’i Faith split off, saying the successor was not a council but Mason Remey. Baha’ullah claimed that in another 1,000 years another manifestation will appear. Baha’is are not supposed to start any other sects, or will be considered a “Covenant-breaker.” http://bahai-library.com/books/new.era/8.html
Unusual Baha’i Teachings Baha’i Importance of the Calendar Baha’i Beliefs on God Baha’i Practices Anti-Hindu and Anti-Buddhist Teachings Anti-Islam Teaching Muslim view of Baha’is Anti-Jewish Teaching Anti-Christian Teaching
Baha’i Importance of the Calendar “in the not far distant future it will be necessary that all peoples in the world agree on a common calendar.” The Baha’i year has 19 months of 19 days each (= 361 days). The also add four to five intercalary days between the eighteenth and nineteenth months in order to adjust the calendar to the solar year. The Bahá’í New Year starts the same as the Persian New year at the March equinox.
Baha’i Beliefs on God ● Major world religions are from God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism ● Revere Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, the Bab, and Baha’u’llah. It changed from 7 to 14 prophets they followed. Now it is 9. Used to have Confucius, Hud, and others. ● The prophets were infallible, but the teaching of all but the last two are mainly lost or corrupted ● The next prophet will only come after 1,000 years ● All should worship the manifestation of God. ● Baha’u’llah is the manifestation of God now. ● Evolution is the way God created everything ● Evil only exists as a lack or deprivation of good.
Baha’i Practices ● All religions of the world should unite. ● Isolate from Azalis, Orthodox Baha’is, ex-Baha’is ● Prayer is conversation with God (like Christianity) ● All should speak one language, such as Esperanto ● Dead people can speak telepathically with us ● No fighting except multi-national vs. oppressors ● No intoxicants or alcohol, except for medical need ● Cleanliness and education are important ● No gambling, but other games of chance are OK
Anti-Hindu and Anti-Buddhist Teachings ● Most teaching of Krishna and Buddha was lost. Yet few Baha’is even follow the Bab’s Bayan, so have Baha’is themselves lost that? ● One God; worshipping idols is wrong ● No reincarnation. Pantheism is wrong ● No professional priesthood (no Brahmins) ● All people are equal, and should be under one government (against the caste system)
Anti-Islam Teaching ● Most of the teaching of Mohammed was lost ● All the Qur’an says about Heaven, Hell, resurrection, Christ’s return, is only figurative ● God is a Father. Christ called the Son of God. ● Mohammed was not the final prophet ● Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca is not needed ● There is no need for ritual prayer five times a day ● People should not be under Sharia Law ● Slavery today is wrong ● Women do not need veils. However, wear them in strict Islamic lands to avoid problems. Monogamy
Anti-Islam Teaching continued ● Equality of men and women. (i.e. women are not deficient in religion, intelligence, but should have equality in law courts, divorce, etc.) ● No Jihad (they contradict the Bab here) ● Have a will, but give inheritance as you wish (Muslims have rules how they have to do it) ● Umayyads (first caliphs) were the Rev 11 beast who opposed the religion of Mohammed and ‘Ali ● The Bab and Baha’u’llah were born in Shi’ite Persia, because that was one of the most religiously backward places in the world then.
Muslim View of Baha’is Muslims would generally say Baha'i teachings are not only wrong, but Baha'i teachings about Mohammed misrepresent Islam. See www.BahaiAwareness.com for an in depth study of inconsistencies in Babism and the Baha’i Faith - from material sourced from their own books.
Anti-Jewish Teaching ● Most of the true teaching of Moses was lost ● Jesus was virgin-born and a true prophet of God ● Prophet like Jesus can abrogate previous teachings
Anti-Christian Teaching ● Most of the true teaching of Jesus was lost ● Most of the Bible is just figurative, including Heaven, Hell, resurrection, Christ’s return, etc. ● Jesus is not God incarnate; the Trinity is not true ● All are not separated from God by their sin ● Jesus is not the only way to God ● Jesus did not die for sins; he was not resurrected ● No need to follow Jesus as your Lord and Savior ● Dissimulation when persecuted to conceal beliefs ● Legalism: Must follow the new, Baha’i calendar
Conclusion Most people were not aware of the violent spawning of the Azali and Baha’i faiths. While Baha’is claim to be consistent with the fundamentals of 7, or 9, or 11, or up to 14 world religions, they bury themselves in an avalanche of inconsistency. Like Islam, the Sikhs, Rev. Moon, and others, they claim the whole world should be a religion under them; yet they themselves have split into two groups.
Conclusion continued The Baha’i religion, if true, would say two things about God. 1) He is careless of uncaring about preserving His revelation 2) With the teaching He allowed to be preserved, the god of the Baha’is appears to suffer from multiple personality disorder!
Finally Surely the One True God is wise enough, and powerful enough to preserve His Word, which He has, in the Bible. As the God of Truth, to show you the truth that He has preserved though the ages.