Dismantling the Treaty Used the Statute of Westminster to abolish the Oath Got rid of the Governor General Removed the king as head of state New Constitution (Bunracht na hEireann)
The New Constitution (Bunreacht na hEireann) Taoiseach replaced President of Executive Council Douglas Hyde first President (Lived in Phoenix park) Articles 2 and 3 claimed all 32 counties as Irish. Special position of Catholic Church “Eire” not Free State
The IRA and the Blueshirts De Valera released the IRA prisoners who disrupted C na G meetings. ACA elected Eoin O Duffy as leader. Blueshirts. Facists. De Valera banned them after planned march on Glasnevin. Joined with C na G to form Fine Gael. O Duffy was first leader. Unpopular so went to Spanish Civil War.
The Economic War De Valera refused to pay the Land Annuities. British tariffs on Irish cattle. Irish tariffs. Ireland hardest hit. Anglo- Irish agreement 1938: £10 million compensation to Britain for Land Annuities. Free Trade 3 ports returned (Cobh, Lough Swilly, Berehaven)
The Economy Sean Lemass (Industry and Commerce) put Protectionism in place. Helped infant industry but poor quality goods at high prices. Irish Sugar and Aer Lingus set up.
The Emergency Neutral because: Emergency Powers Act: to show independence too weak to fight Emergency Powers Act: Censorship Army built up. LDF 250,000 men. The IRA a danger to neutrality. Some executed, some died on hunger strike and some interned. German spies. ‘Operation Green’ (Germans planned to use IRA) North Strand bombed by Germans 34 dead. Britain and US did not like our neutrality. Dev rejected their criticisms
What Lemass (Minister for Supplies) did: Irish Shipping set up. Rationing to conserve food. Turf replaced coal (Trains much slower) Bread made with whole grain (black and full of water) The glimmer man (turn off all lights after curfew)