2004 SHEEO/IPEDS Meeting Washington, DC March 30 – April 1, 2004 Plans for 2004-05 IPEDS Workshop 2004 SHEEO/IPEDS Meeting Washington, DC March 30 – April 1, 2004
Plans for 2004-05
Schedule 2004-05
Schedule IPEDS 2004-05 July 28 REGISTRATION OPENS IDs and passwords emailed to current (2003-04) KHs IDs and passwords mailed to CEO if no current KH (Title IV) All KHs must register (once) for the 2004-05 collection cycle KH contact information will be preloaded
Schedule IPEDS 2004-05 July 28 ALL IPEDS 2004-05 survey forms, instructions, and import specifications will be posted when the system opens for registration
Schedule IPEDS 2004-05 August 25 September 1 Status of registration determined September 1 Letter to CEO if KH has not registered name of 2003-04 KH request to followup or appoint a new one certificate with UserID and password instructions for changing password
Fall Collection Components: Institutional Characteristics Completions Schedule: September 8 Open October 20 Institution close November 3 Coordinator close
Winter Collection Components: Schedule: December 1 Open Employees by Assigned Position Fall Staff (optional for 2004-05) Salaries Enrollment (also available in Spring 2005) Schedule: December 1 Open January 26 Institution close February 9 Coordinator close
Spring Collection Components: Enrollment Student Financial Aid Finance Graduation Rates Schedule: March 9 Open April 20 Institution close May 4 Coordinator close
Followup Schedule Email to KH (collection open) Open Letter to CEO (no reg KH) Close – 4wks Email to KH (no data) Close – 4wks Phone call to CEO (no reg KH) Close – 3wks Phone call to CEO/KH (no data) Close – 2wks Email to KH (no data) Close – 2wks Email to KH (not locked) Close – 2wks Email to KH (no data) Close – 1wk Email to KH (not locked) Close – 1wk
Highlights of data collection changes for 2004-05: Optional in 2003-04 / mandatory in 2004-05 Rotation of even year/odd year surveys and parts Implementation of CIP:2000 and GASB 34/35 Other changes
Web posting Changes in reporting requirements will be posted in advance on the IPEDS website. All survey items, instructions, import specs will be posted by the time the registration system opens on July 28. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/webbase.asp
Institutional Characteristics Pt A. Link to institution’s Mission Statement (or short text description of same) Mandatory in Fall 2004
Institutional Characteristics Pt B. Formally organized programs that do not lead to a formal award Delete item Pt C. Test scores (tentative) Eliminate the 60% or more qualification for reporting test scores; test scores would be reported no matter what percentage submitted
Institutional Characteristics Pt D. Levels of students enrolled Add radio button for part-time first-professional students Program reporters: question on programs > 300 hours Delete item Pt E. Providing instruction for 2 yrs (new institutions only)
Completions 2nd optional year for CIP:2000 Mandatory for C in Fall 2005 All preloaded CIPs will be CIP:2000 All CIPs will be migrated as CIP:2000
Salaries Survey applicability Degree-granting institutions only Restricted housing and tuition plan benefits Provide separate indicators for 9/10 and 11/12 month faculty
Fall Staff Pt E. Total Employees summary screen Display prior year data
Enrollment Pt A. Selected CIPs Pt B. Age – optional Required for 4-yr institutions Must use CIP:2000 Pt B. Age – optional Pt C. Residence – required (tentative: may limit to degree-granting institutions only for 2004)
Enrollment Pt G. Retention rates (fall-to-fall retention for prior year full-time and part-time entering cohort or bachelor’s cohort) Mandatory in 2004-05 Add exclusion for students called to active military duty
Enrollment Caveats boxes Add caveats boxes to Pt F, Instructional Activity and Pt G, Retention Rates
Graduation Rates 4-yr institutions - report on a 1998 cohort
Graduation Rates Add exclusion for students called to active military duty
Finance GASB 34/35 3rd phase-in year All GASB institutions must use the new reporting format in Spring 2005 Reporting of component units if shown on audited General Purpose Financial Statement is mandatory
Finance Endowment assets (market value at beginning and end of year) Mandatory in Spring 2005 for publics and not-for-profits
Finance Partial children for jointly audited institutions Statement of Net Assets reported by one institution or administrative unit All institutions report revenues, expenses, and scholarships Contact Help Desk to set up relationship in data collection system