S2 Curricular Pathways Meeting 16th February 2016 Kirkintilloch High School Progression Pathways Depth National 5 Breadth 2 FROM skils for work, life learning 4 Personalisation S2 into 3 options BGE S2 Curricular Pathways Meeting 16th February 2016
A Big Decision These choices can ultimately influence what subjects and levels you do in S4/5/6 This will have a significant impact on what you can do after leaving school A lot of help is on offer to ensure you make the correct choices and avoid mistakes
Into S3… The Guidance Team Mrs P Davie (DHT S1/2) Mr M Shaw (DHT S3) Teacher House Mr Stevenson Holmfield Mr Joice Peel Mrs Hayworth Solsgirth Mrs Hay Waverley
Key Staff Mrs Early Principal Teacher Support for Learning Mrs Deans SDS Careers Advisor Tuesday/Thursday 8th March Parent’s Meeting
Preparation for Choice PSE Careers Programme Pupil Pulse in November Guidance Interviews Course pathways in S3 booklet Departmental advice S2 Full report – Nov 2016 S2 Interim report – Jan 2017 Talking to parents, friends and family
Preparation for Choice ‘Be all you can be’ S2 Speed Networking Session Glasgow University Aspirations Day
Preparation for Choice STEM Events
Preparation for Choice
Useful Websites to Help Planit Plus – Subjects and Careers My World of Work Subject Choices My World of Work – My Strengths Be What You Want iCould – Choices at 14 iCould – Buzz Personality Test
Reasons for Subject Choice Aptitude and ability You are interested in finding out more about the subject You are keeping your options open You can see the link to possible future College/Uni/Apprenticeships/Jobs You have checked the qualifications and subjects you might need
Poor reasons for choice You like the teacher It is what your friends are doing You think it sounds good but you have no idea of how the course is delivered or assessed You think it looks easy You think that some subjects and careers are only for boys or girls
Help for Parents/Carers Parent’s Information Meeting 8th March Careers appointments with Mrs Deans Talking with your child!
Help for Parents/Carers
Growth Mindset
The story so far Your son/daughter has been experiencing the Broad General Education in S1-2 and this will continue into S3 The Broad General Education includes all of the experiences and outcomes across all curricular areas up to and including the third level These should be experienced by all pupils, as far as this is consistent with their learning needs and prior achievements
expressive arts mathematics sciences social studies r.m.e Curriculum Areas You know it as… expressive arts Art : Music: Drama social studies mathematics Mathematics sciences Biology: Chemistry: Physics History: Geography: Mod Studies: Business Mgt r.m.e Religious Education health & wellbeing PE: Home Econ: PSE languages English : French Computing: Design & Technology: Home Econ technologies
a guide to CfE pathways in S3 The S3 Curriculum languages mathematics sciences social studies r.m.e health & wellbeing expressive arts technologies a guide to CfE pathways in S3 What will I study in S3?
Broad General Education You will make choices at end of S2 – eight subjects You will continue to study Level 3 or 4 of Curriculum for Excellence in S3 You will sit S3 assessments in some of your subjects
I am entitled to… A broad general education that includes all experiences and outcomes An S3 profile that records all of my achievements from S1 to S3 Skills for life, learning and work Two periods of PE each week One period of RME/PSE I have been able to choose and specialise in some subjects and still learn in all curricular areas
Subjects Literacy/ Languages Numeracy/ Mathematics Languages Literacy/ Languages Numeracy/ Mathematics Languages Social Studies Science Technologies Expressive Arts Health and Wellbeing / RMPS English Maths French History Biology Computing Art & Design Physical Education Spanish Modern Studies Chemistry Graphic Communication Music Home Economics Geography Physics Craft and Design Drama Religious and Moral Education Business Management
Will my timetable look the same in S1, S2 and S3? Your timetable will look different in S3 because you will be able to study some subjects more than others Maths, English and French or Spanish will definitely be on your S3 timetable
Finding the Balance Challenge Enjoyment Breadth Coherence Relevance Depth Personalisation And Choice Progression
Traditionally… S6 History S5 History S4 S3 History S2 History S1 Geography Modern Studies
and now… S6 History Geography Modern Studies S5 S4 History S3 History History S3 History Geography S2 History Modern Studies S1
BGE Impact on the Curricular Pathway 2016-17 S1 17 S2 S3 13 S4 7 S5 5 S6 4/5
How…? Social Studies Science Technologies Health and W/b Social Studies Science Technologies Health and W/b Expressive Arts History Mod Studies Geography Biology Chemistry Physics Computing Graph Com Business Management Design & Man Hospitality Fashion & Textile Tech Art & Design Drama Music Course1 Course 2
But they won’t be studying some courses… Pupils will select their course pathways and study some areas in more depth. This means that they will step away from some courses. However, they will have contact with these subjects through our Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) programmes. Our learners will continue to develop their skills and build their knowledge and thus leaving the curricular pathway in this course open languages mathematics sciences social studies r.m.e health & wellbeing expressive arts technologies a guide to CfE pathways in S3
This is the right model for Kirkintilloch High School and your child because… It offers depth, challenge and pace It allows our learners to make choices that suit them It widens the curriculum in S3 for the first time It provides a solid foundation for learners progressing to National Qualifications in S4
The bigger picture… S4 and beyond English 4 periods Maths Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 ENGLISH MATHS FRENCH/SPANISH positive leaver destinations 16+ choices National 5 college employment university training SQA skils for work, life learning 4 Personalisation S3 into 4 options senior phase Core PE 2 periods Core RMPS 1 periods Core PSE