2 Chairing a meeting…
3 OPENING Lets get started Lets start Shall we start Lets get down to work
4 Chairing a meeting… STATING OBJECTIVES The aim is to… The objective is to… We need to work on… Were here to discuss…
5 Chairing a meeting… INTERRUPTING Could I ask a question? Sorry but may I say something? Sorry to interrupt…
6 Chairing a meeting… ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION Could you please explaining that? What do you mean by…? Could you repeat that please? I didnt get it …
7 MOVING ON ok, lets move on to… Next point is… I think were getting side tracked Were off the subject, lets go back to it Chairing a meeting…
8 CONCLUDING I think thats everything for today I think were done for today
9 Discussing…
10 Discussing… POUR DEBUTER… First Firstly At first First of all To start / to begin As an introduction To get started
11 Discussing… ENSUITE… Secondly…. Second of all… Next… After… To follow… To continue…
12 Discussing… AJOUTER Moreover Furthermore In addition
13 Discussing… POUR CONCLURE… To finish To end Last At last Finally Last point
14 Opinion…
15 GIVING OPINION My opinion is... I think... In my mind... According to me... As far as i am concerned... Opinion…
16 ASKING FOR OPINION What do you think about... Whats your opinion of... How do you feel about... Whats your point of view According to you... Do you agree on... Do you agree with... What do you have in mind Opinion…
17 AGREEING I agree completely I couldnt agree more Absolutely Definitely Youre absolutely right I suppose thats true Im inclined to agree with you on that Opinion…
18 DISAGREEING Im sorry, but I really cant agree Im afraid I cant go along with you on that. Youre totally wrong I totally disagree Opinion…
19 To remember… Français Français Il est clair que Il est évident que Permettez-moi de vous dire que Je suppose que vous vous posez (tous) des questions au sujet de Inutile de vous dire que En ce qui concerne Je parie que vous ne savez pas que Vous serez surpris d'apprendre que Anglais It's clear that It's obvious that Let me tell you that I suppose you are (all) wondering about Needless to say As far as... is / are concerned I bet that you don't know that You will be surprised to hear that
20 To remember… Français Français Cela vous surprendra sûrement d'apprendre que Je peux vous assurer que Ainsi que je l'ai dit précédemment Laissez-moi vous rappeler que Comme vous le savez déjà De plus Une chose encore A propos Anglais It will probably surprise you to hear that I can assure you that As I said before Let me remind you that As you already know What's more / On top of that / Moreover One more thing By the way / Incidentally
21 To remember… Français Français Ce Considérons à présent D'un côté... et d'un autre côté... Dernier point mais non des moindres Finalement Est-ce clair jusque là ? Vous voyez ce que je veux dire ? Y a-t-il des questions ? Je vais donc conclure en (+ verbe -ant) Anglais Let's now consider On the one hand... on the other hand Last but not least Finally Is that clear so far ? You see what I mean ? Are there any questions ? I will (therefore) conclude by (+ verb -ing)
22 hank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!