Puerto Rico Webquest
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Tourist Sites: Puerto Rico Three important facts One of Puerto Rico's most enduring symbols A visual tour of 400 years of military history Breathtaking ocean views Tourist Sites: Puerto Rico Name of this site: El Morro Fort
El Clima y La Geografía- parte 1 (all answers in red) 1. Where is Puerto Rico located? (Give the name of the body of water and the group of islands) → Puerto rico encuentra en North America. En las mar Caribbean. El situado al isla virgin. 2. Puerto Rico is approximately 110 miles long and 40 miles wide. ( found on Puerto Rico's official website). 3. What is the basic climate and typical terrain of the country? → Es Clima tropical. 4. Cerrro de Punta is the highest point in Puerto Rico. 5. What types of natural hazards and disasters does Puerto Rico encounter? Tsunami, Landslides, flood etc.
El Clima y La Geografía- parte 2 6. What is El Yunque? → The El Yunque National forest is the only tropical rain forest in the national forest located in northeastern Puerto Rico. 7. What is the capital of Puerto Rico? What is its historical significance? (hint: click the capital's link under the basics tab on the Puerto Rican website) → Capital of Puerto Rico is San Juan. San Juan is the place where Christopher Columbus landed after a long voyage. 8. What is the Plaza de Armas in Old San Juan, and where is it located here? → Plaza de Armas is one of the main squares is San Juan. It is located in San Jose Street in old San Juan. 9. What is El Morro and where is it located on the island? → El morro is the Castillo San Felipe del Morro which was designed to guard the entrance to the San Juan Bay, and defend the Spanish colonial port city of San Juan from Seaborne enemies. It is located in 501 Calle Norzagaray, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 10. What is the longest river in Puerto Rico, which way does it flow? → The Rio de la Plata is the longest river in the island in Puerto Rico. It flows from south to north and drains into the Atlantic ocean about 11 miles.
Historia- parte 1 1. One what date, and in which voyage, did Christopher Columbus discover this island? What was the original name given to the island? (History Page One) → In August 3 1492, Columbus departed from Palos with three ships: One larger carrack, Santa Maria, nicknamed Gallega(The Galician) and two smaller caravels, Pinta(the painted and Santa Clara nicknamed Nina. Originally the newcomers called the island San Juan Bautista 2. When does Juan Ponce de Leon first become important in Puerto Rican history, and what job was assigned to him, by whom? → On August 8, Juan Ponce de Leon founded the Caparra Village near the bay on the north coast. Juan Ponce was officially appointed Juan Ponce de Leon fonverner of the island. 3. When and where was the first school established? → On Sept 26, the first school of advanced studies was established by Bishop Alonso Manso in Caparra, Puerto Rico 4. Give a brief definition of repartimiento: → Repartimento in Puerto Rico was established, this system consisted of distributing among officials and colonists fixed numbers of indians for wage free and forced labor. The Spanish Crown instituted the encomienda after several priests protested against the treatment to Indians under the repartimiento system. 5. When did the French attack the island, and what damage was caused? When does Spain become concerned? (History Page One) → On Oct. 11, 1528 the French sacked and burned San German. All the other first settlements- Guanica, Sotomayor, Daguao and Loiza had disappeared. Only the capital remained
Historia- parte 2 6. What is El Grito de Lares and when did it occur? Why is Ramón Emeterio Betances connected to this event? → El Grito de Lares is Puerto Rico’s first and only cry for independence. It occoured in Sept 23, 1868. Ramon Emeterio Betances was the one who planned the revolt. 7. What was the Moret Law? When was it established? (History 4) → It was a form of freedom of wombs approved in Spain on July 4, 1870. Slavery was abolished for Puerto Rico in 1873 and finally without exceptions in 1886. 8. What happened to Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War? → After the signing of an armistice with Spain, American troops raised the US Flag over the island, formalizing US authority over its one million inhabitants. In December, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Spanish american War and officially approving the cession of Puerto rico to the US. 9. When did Puerto Ricans receive statutory American citizenship? Under what Act? (Use the fifth history page to answer this question) → US citizenship, On March 2 , 1917 the Jones Shafroth Act was signed, collectively making Puerto Ricans US citizens without rescinding their Puerto Rican citizenship.
La Gente y La Cultura- parte 1 1. What group of indigenous people had a large influence on the culture of Puerto Rico? → Taino Indian Culture had the largest influence on the culture of Puerto Rico. 2. Who is Juan Ponce de Leon, and what did he do? → He was a Spanish explorer and conquistador. He became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish crown. 3. Who was Robert Cofresi and what is he known for? (Hint: check the third history page on the first link provided above) → Roberto Cofresi better known as ‘El Pirata Cofresi’ was the most renowned pirate in Puerto Rico. EHe became interested in sailing at a young age. 4. Briefly describe what a careta is (Search the arts and crafts page here): → A careta is a traditional Puerto Rico mask made out of paper mache or coconut hunks. 5. What animal is considered to be the national mascot of Puerto Rico? What is the national flower? → The national flower is a hibiscus and he national mascot is the little frog called a coqui.
La Gente y La Cultura- parte 2 6. How do the people of Puerto Rico typically treat others (e.g. strangers)? → The are known for their warm hospitality often considered very friendly and expressive to strangers. 7. What is the major religion present in Puerto Rico? → Catholic 85%. Protest, Roman and other 15%. 8. Who is José Celso Barbosa and what group did he establish? → Joso Celso Barbosa, was the first African American to attend Puerto Rico’s Jesuit Seminary. In 1893, he founded the first Puerto Rico Cooperative named El Ahorro Colectivo. 9. In Puerto Rican culture, how does a cat differ from in the United States? What about Friday? (Link Four) → A cat has 7 lives in Puerto Rico instead of the usual 9 like the US Friday is bad luck day. 10. Why is the dichotomy of its relationship with the United States essential to the culture of Puerto Rico? (Link Three) → Puerto Rico might seem in everything but name a State of the union. But on the other side you will find a culture and society different from that in them mainland. It is a rich and varied culture but a unique one emanating from all those rich influence.